
Two more upcoming Clark Park events

May 11, 2012

While Clark Park “B” (43rd & Chester) is hosting the annual May Fair tomorrow (May 12), there will also be a couple of happenings in the “A” section of the park (44th & Baltimore), in addition to the weekly Farmer’s Market.

Friends of Clark Park need help to keep the park beautiful and invite community members from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. to participate in the park clean-up as Love Your Park Week kicks off tomorrow. Join your fellow Clark Park supporters and help them rake, mulch, water, weed, and generally tidy up the park. For more information and to RSVP, email:

At 4 p.m. don’t miss a rare event – local Girl Scout troop #92373 will be releasing 18,000 ladybugs and 10 lbs of earthworms to benefit the ecological health of Clark Park and West Philly. Earthworms aerate soil, creating increased water absorption and air circulation, and ladybugs feed on aphids and other soft bodied insects that feed on plants. This is the Girl Scout troop’s main community service project for the spring.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Kathleen Says:

    Just a quick correction (per note to FOCP from the Girl Scout Troop) — due to another activity in the morning, it will probably be closer to 4 PM that the scouts will be there to release the ladybugs and earthworms.

  2. Dan Says:

    Hi, I was there (Clark Park A) at 4 pm – and before, and after. I didn’t see the Girl Scouts. Did I miss something, or did the date get changed?

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