
Kids’ clothes, books and gear “super swap” this Friday

May 15, 2012

This Friday, May 18, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be a “Super Swap” of baby, toddler, children’s and maternity clothing, toys, books and gear at the Greenfield Intercultural Center (3708 Chestnut Street), and all parents are welcome to bring clean, gently used items. Boys, gender neutral and older kids’ clothing are especially appreciated.

Make a minimum $5 donation at the entrance to benefit the New Parents @ Penn Group and take what you need/want.

You do not need to bring items to swap in order to participate. All remaining items will be donated to a local women’s charity.

You can drop off items two days before the swap and no later than 10 a.m. on the day of the swap.

To help set up, clean-up or if you have questions contact: Sarvelia Peralta-Duran at To be added to the Swap distribution list please request to join the Super Swap Yahoo group at

This Super Swap is an initiative in collaboration with the Penn Women’s Center, Greenfield Intercultural Center and the Penn Family Resource Center.

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