
Dock Street Philly Beer Run and Music Fest this Sunday. Update: Race is sold out!

June 8, 2012

Update: The race has been sold out, but non-runners are welcome to the music fest.


Do you love running? Do you love beer even more? Does your passion for live music trump both your love for running and for good beer? Well prepare yourself for the Dock Street Brewing Co.’s annual Beer Run and Free Music Fest on Sunday, June 10. The 5K race runs through University City and culminates at the Free Music Fest where racers are rewarded with tasty Dock Street pizza slices and refreshing beer. The run will get your blood flowing for the local music line up featuring Hoots & Hellmouth, O’Death, The Extraordinaires, Street Walkers, and Tsunami Rising. All runners receive a token limited-edition pint glass, refreshments from Vita Coco, fruit, snacks and pizza/beer coupons.

Run pre-registration is $35 and on-site registration $40. The first 50 registered runners will receive a free Dock Street Philly Beer Run t-shirt. You can register at Philadelphia Runner is the equipment headquarters and host for the packet pickup. On-site registration begins at 12 p.m. and the race starts at 2 p.m. just as the music fest begins. A portion of the proceeds benefits Cedar Park Neighbors Scholarship Fundraiser. The race is a great opportunity to feel a sense of community and spread fun energy throughout West Philly. Work up an appetite for Dock Street Philly Beer Run & Music Fest!

Erica Kimmel

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Sherry W Says:

    I’m pretty sure the Beer Run part of the event is sold out now.

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