
Schuylkill Banks Movie Nights start Thursday

June 13, 2012

If you love movies and hate overpriced theater tickets, Schuylkill Banks has the solution. Taking advantage of the summer warmth, they are offering free movie nights under the Walnut Street Bridge (S. 25th and Walnut Streets on the East side of the river) every other Thursday this summer, beginning this week with the 2011 hit The Muppets starring Jason Segal and Amy Adams. The screenings are completely free for anyone, and if you get there early, free snacks will be available. There is also a free raffle with prizes from Philadelphia Runner before the film starts. The movies will begin at dusk (some time between 7:45 and 8:30 depending on the day), so make sure to get there before the sun goes down, especially if you’re interested in the snacks or the raffle.

The films being offered this summer include this Thursday’s The Muppets, the original 1933 King Kong (6/28), and last year’s Oscar nominee Moneyball (8/23), among others shown later this summer. Check out the official site for a full list of films, and the approximate start time for each. In the event of rain make sure to check the calendar on the Schuylkill Banks homepage to see if there’s a cancellation. Rain dates are July 19 and August 30. Take advantage of this opportunity and grab your picnic blanket on Thursday and head down to the river to catch a great flick for free!

Kelly Lawler

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