
Board approves liquor store at 43rd and Chestnut

June 14, 2012

A large Wine and Spirits Store is coming to the corner of 43rd and Chestnut, replacing an adult video store and check cashing spot.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) voted 3-1 to approve the proposed store, which had drawn support from many neighborhood residents and opposition from others, mostly Muslims who live near the location or worship at a nearby mosque.

A timeline for the 5,000-square-foot store’s opening is not yet available. Renovations could begin as early as August when the check cashing establishment’s lease runs out. The video store, Risque Video, is on month-to-month lease. An initial 10-year lease for the Wine and Spirits Store has been proposed. The store will be open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and closed on Sundays, according to the proposal.

The ZBA’s decision reverses a denial of the proposal in April and follows a special hearing last week that included more public input.

The Wine and Spirits Store at 4301 Chestnut St. will be a a “premium collection” store similar to the ones near 12th and Chestnut and 19th and Chestnut, which feature a broader selection of products than other stores and do not sell small package items such as pints and half pints. This will be the first premium store in West Philadelphia.

Stipulations in the proposal include increased security around the store.


10 Comments For This Post

  1. andy Says:

    Drink up! Cheers.

  2. Arindam Says:

    This is super awesome! Specially since the 41st and Market one is closed.

  3. Raymond Ricketts Says:

    Why closed on Sunday, though? The Market St. one had Sunday hours.

  4. Stacey Says:

    Don’t look a liquor horse in the mouth.

  5. Charles Says:

    Dude, it’s open until 9 pm every day! Clearly you have not lived in PA long enough to grasp how awesome that is.

  6. cb Says:

    finally a convenient place to get jesus blood

  7. shazoooo! Says:

    sweeeet… I can’t wait to see what kind of wine they’ll stock!!

  8. Raymond Ricketts Says:

    I’ve lived here longer than I care to admit, in both ends of the state too, alas. I refuse to be too grateful here (as one does anytime the LCB does anything that makes their “stores” seem more normal); The late opening times are great but I want Sunday hours! And I want more stores too (dreaming big here, I know).

  9. Cicero Says:

    Does anyone know why the new store won’t have Sunday hours, as the old on did?

  10. BD Says:

    Does anyone know what the status of this is? The signs on the space say “Space Available” – the wine store is not happening?

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