
New happenings at The Porch

June 21, 2012

The Porch, the outdoor space at 30th Street Station, is adding a few new things for the summer.

The University City District (UCD) recently received a $375,000 grant from ArtPlace to fund a permanent art piece at The Porch. Prema Katari Gupta, UCD’s Director of Planning and Economic Development said: “We will invite exceptional artists to engage creatively with our site, with our audience, and within our neighborhood context. Art will bring beauty, reflection, and delight to The Porch, as the site continues its evolution.”

One new fun activity to look out for at The Porch is a free nine hole mini golf course open every day in July from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. All you need to bring is a photo ID. A second new project is the opening of a beer garden with German and craft beers, bratwurst, sauerkraut, and Italian sausage sandwiches by Bridgewater’s Pub. The beer garden will include live music and is open July 12 (4-8pm), July 13 (noon-8pm), and July 14 (noon-5pm).

The Porch will exhibit two new visual art works. The first is a representational and experiential exhibit by Pew Fellow Nami Yamamoto. She is installing a Hakoniwa, Japanese for miniature garden as well as a form of psychotherapy called “sandplay therapy.” The therapy method involves subjects who order and design items within a sandbox. Nami’s art will recreate this form of therapy across the concrete of the porch.

Also, Justin Duerr’s Anaesthasia Emeralda Lucian piano, designed for UCD’s Heart and Soul piano project will be on display and ready for play at The Porch.

Erica Kimmel


4 Comments For This Post

  1. Damon Says:

    Why would I need to show photo ID to play mini-golf? This sounds awesome, but why on earth does anyone need to know my name or address?

  2. Christina Says:

    Damon: Maybe b/c you’ll be borrowing equipment and you might walk off with it? You can’t play minigolf with your mind alone. 🙂

  3. Ashley Cooke Says:

    It depends on the policy. Perhaps, they need to check your identification to show that you are a live in the area and eligible for the game.

  4. Anon Says:

    It’s so you don’t run off with the equipment. Nothing to do with where you live.

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