
Found tabby cat (49th and Warrington)

July 4, 2012

A reader, Nick, emailed us with this information:

“This morning a very friendly cat showed up on our back porch. She is very friendly and is wearing a flea collar. We are trying to find out if she has a home or is in fact missing. She seems really thin and was very hungry. If anyone know where her happy home is she would greatly appreciate it.”

If this is your cat, please email Nick at:

7 Comments For This Post

  1. Jess Says:

    That looks like Sydney. See the posting for 4-year old tabby missing from 49th.

  2. ashley Says:

    Unfortunately, that is not Sydney; looking at the photo in the ‘Sydney post’ he has a full white belly and white around his nose.

  3. Nancy Selinger Says:

    It does look a lot like my Sydney but, alas, is not. Ashley is correct about the face. Also, Sydney’s left ear is tipped (tip missing) as he is a rescue cat whowas neutered, fostered, and then adopted by me.Thanks for posting the picture. Hope this one finds his way back home.

  4. H Says:

    This cat is currently on my porch eating some food. Does anyone know who owns it?

  5. Linda Says:

    Was anyone able to either find kitty’s home, or take it in ? If kitty is still outdoors he/she can be checked for a microchip ID at PAWS clinic, and for a small fee spayed/neutered.

  6. Nick Says:

    Hey everyone,
    I don’t know if the cat has a home. It seems like she might cause she is not as hungry as she was at first. I have since found out that she is fixed ( she has been tipped) and doesn’t appear to have ear mites or bugs of any kind. I can only assume that she has a home and she is taking full advantage of the pet loving neighbors ( what cat wouldn’t if they know they can). Will keep this site updated if anything changes.

  7. H Says:

    Yeah, she’s back hanging out on my porch again, getting food. She still seems pretty hungry, and she’s kind of dirty, but doesn’t seem to be in any kind of bad health.

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