
Drayton rescinds guilty plea and fires lawyer during sentencing hearing

July 17, 2012

The 19-year-old man who pleaded guilty in April to a highly publicized sexual assault last fall and was scheduled to be sentenced last Friday has changed his mind.

During his sentencing hearing, Kareem Drayton rescinded his guilty plea and fired his attorney, according to court records. Drayton negotiated a guilty plea in April to the sexual assault at gunpoint of a 32-year-old teacher last September near 48th and Springfield and other robbery and weapons charges. Drayton told the court that he wants a trial.

A trial would require locating several witnesses and complainants in the case.

“(He) wants to roll the dice,” said a source familiar with the case.

Drayton’s next court date is August 16.

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Stacey Says:

    These poor people are now going to have to relive the crime in the courtroom because this scumbag wants to roll the dice. I hope he gets the max sentence for his troubles.

  2. Tim Says:

    The good news is that, after he’s convicted on the more serious charges, he’ll face a much longer sentence and we’ll all be much safer. Way to go, Kareem! You are a genius!

  3. Sean Dorn Says:

    Wait. I thought the other kid cooperated and had already testified against him. “Roll the dice”? More like he already has cards totalling 23 and he just told the dealer to “hit me”. It will be a huge and traumatic hassle for the victims, but it just sounds like a monumentally dumb move.

  4. Patty Bulack Says:

    There were 10 neighbors in the courtroom during the proceedings. It became clear that his family (who were there) urged him to take this route, and also harrassed the defense attorney, who presumably was trying to tell them it was a bad idea.
    We are looking for more neighbors to join us in the courtroom on August 16th. We believe our presence sent a message to all parties involved,including the judge who has to rule on allowing him to withdraw his guilty plea. The more of us, the stronger that message will be, that the community is vested in the outcome. Please contact me if you want to come, so I can have an idea of how many will come this next time, and also so I can update you if the date changes, etc…. (48th Street Neighbors).
    Should this case go to trial, I will be looking for a pool of people to make sure we have representation each and every time the court is in session about this case. Please consider being part of that as well, should the need arise. You can make a difference.

  5. christina Says:

    Patty: Can you tell me if the proceedings actually start when they’re supposed to start? I would be interested in attending, but if things take 3x longer than stated, it becomes a problem for me (work-wise). Thanks.

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