
Lost cat – grey with white chest and white “socks” (43rd/44th and Osage)

July 20, 2012

A neighbor, Kamilla, is missing her cat:

“Hi everybody. My cat is missing.

Brief description: GREY in color, with WHITE CHEST, and white “socks” on all 4 paws. Male. Approximately 1,5 years old. Pretty big in size. Has no collar nor tag on him (he shook them off 2 days ago and I wasn’t able to find them in the apartment to put them back on him and was planning to go to PetSmart after that if i didn’t find them this Sunday when i would be cleaning the whole apartment).

Last seen: 43rd and Osage (or South 44th Street), University City, Phila, 19104, last night before I went to bed. When I woke up this morning he was gone and i saw a cut area in the mosquito net this morning when i started looking for him everywhere in the apartment. He must have jumped out of the window while I was sleeping. Might be injured (we live on the 4th floor!).

Name: Batist

He’s NOT a brave cat. Mostly afraid of strangers so probably just hiding somewhere. I’ve been looking for him and calling out his name in the area since 4 am but no luck so far. The jump must have freaked him out real bad.

If you find or see Batist, please call/text/e-mail me (whichever is more convenient for you). My cell phone #: 757 273 4399.

A reward is offered as well. Thank you in advance for ANY help in finding my pet.”



5 Comments For This Post

  1. Linda Says:

    fyi, kitty is still missing, as of Sunday afternoon. One possible sighting was reported on the 4400 block of Osage this morning. He is very shy and not likely to approach… and is probably searching for food, water. If you think you’ve spotted him please call Kamilla immediately. Thanks!

  2. Nadia M. Says:

    That’s weird, My cat looks EXACTLY the SAME!!!
    But SHE is named shadow. I’m sorry for what happend to your cat I hope you find Batist. I’m glad my cat is scared of pretty much everything (She was born in My house by her mom Milly, and she never had been outside more than 3 times but the last two she was out on a leash, Im OVER PROTECTIVE. she now has a kitten of her own named Casper. She is all Grown up!) Hope you will find your little kitty-cat.

  3. carla Says:

    My sister lost a cat like that and he wasnt found he was lost at lamb ale green it looks exsacle the same

  4. Jack Says:

    I found a cat exactly like this on the street today and penned him into a room. he has a limp and twisted ear. I live in Boise Idaho.

  5. Me Says:

    Is the above post meant to be funny? Poor taste.

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