
A man robbed, injured Tuesday night at 46th and Cedar

July 25, 2012

crimeA 29-year-old man sustained facial injuries during a gunpoint robbery at 12:40 a.m. at 46th Street and Cedar Avenue. Police said the victim was approached by a male who struck him several times in the face and head with a metal object, believed to be a handgun.

The attacker took $45 from the man and ran east on Cedar. As a result of the attack, the victim had cuts and bruises on his face and was taken to Mercy Hospital for treatment.

The attacker is described as a black male, medium complexion, about 5’10” tall, wearing a black T-shirt and shorts. No other details were provided.

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12 Comments For This Post

  1. brendangrad Says:

    That is so close to my apartment. $45? Nothing makes me sound like an angry conservative more than hearing about armed robbery for a petty haul like that happening in our neighborhood. I swear that I am normally your typical liberal Democrat but it’s a mistake to assume that being liberal means being soft on crime.

    I hope the victim recovers soon and their medical bills don’t swamp them in debt. And I hope the cops find this loser and lock him up. Enjoy your $45 you POS A–Hole.

  2. Amy Says:

    East on Cedar? How is that possible considering Cedar starts at 46th and goes westbound from there? Hope the victim is okay and the perpertrator is found.

  3. Jeff B. Says:

    Cedar does run east from 46th for about 20 yards or so, before it hits Baltimore. Cedar technically starts on the 4500 block of Baltimore.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, it starts by the store that will not be named.

  5. shazoooo! Says:

    We have a store named Voldemort?!

  6. 46er Says:

    Did it have anything to do with all those dented cars on 46th south of baltimore?

  7. Didi Says:

    My husband said he saw several cars being broken into at about that time and in that area, so it probably does.

  8. Jonathan Says:

    i second brendangrad’s sentiments. this is fucking bullshit.

    the robbery itself of course is uncool. but shit happens, and sometimes in the context of an armed threat. no one is down with that, but we all recognize it’s gunna happen at some frequency, hopefully as low as possible.

    but to violently assault (pistol whipping?) the victim apparently* without any provocation? that is really outrageous and utterly unconscionable. find that asshole and teach him a lesson. *fuck him*.

    on a related, slightly calmer note, though I’m keenly interested in redress, it’s probably more productive to ask what we can do as community to try and minimize/prevent this kind of stuff from recurring in the future. i understand the police have been increasingly involved of late, including undercover patrols. that’s great. but is there anything the average citizen can do? folks, ideas?

    also, i’d be very interested to know how significant this episode is statistically. obviously it’s a deplorable episode, but is it a freak incident that just happened to occur this past week? or is it part of a trend? does anyone know, or know where to find statistics on the incidence of aggravated robbery / assault in our area, say over the past year and 5 or 10 years?

    *the article doesn’t explicitly report the absence of any resistance or provocation by the victim, so i guess we can’t be entirely sure about the situation given the limited information. but it seems like a reasonable assumption.

  9. Billy Says:


    I’d say the trend is that this is a gentrifying neighborhood, and these things are, sadly, a too common result of the changes in the neighborhood. i’m sure you could map out crimes like this over the past 15 years and see them slowly moving westward along Baltimore Ave.

    I’m also guessing that the local neighborhood associations have statistics on crime.

  10. Sean Dorn Says:

    The muggers no doubt pick victims they hope will have some cash but its sort of ridiculous to ascribe armed robbery to “gentrification”. For one thing the perps were likely 11 when 46th and Cedar “gentrified” For another, I’d lay good money that the the perps travelled a fair bit to pick their opportunity to rob someone. If a mugger “commutes” say 20 blocks to commit their crime, I think the most you can say is they going to a place where they expect to encounter potential victims carrying cash and noone is going to ID them. They aren’t say carefully checking the catchment map for Sadie Alexander to plan their robberies.

  11. Joe Clarke Says:

    12:40 AM. Please everyone: if you are out late then either call for an escort or travel with others. You need to exercise special caution if you are alone, possibly had a few and it is late at night. A little caution can make the difference of being a victim or not.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    215-898-WALK everyone. They really don’t mind escorting tipsy people…I heard…

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