
School registration in West Philly begins as early as Monday

August 10, 2012

The new school year hasn’t even started yet and already there is confusion. While the School District of Philadelphia has set the official date for new student registration as Aug. 20, at least two schools in West Philly are registering new students starting Monday, Aug. 13.

Henry C. Lea Elementary and Penn Alexander will accept new student registration beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday morning.

“They gave out the date late,” said an official at Penn Alexander referring to the District’s Aug. 20 date. “We’re sticking with our original plan for the 13th.”

Likewise, an official at Lea said, “the secretary will be here Monday morning registering students.”

No one answered the phone at  A.D. Harrington, Samuel B. Huey, Alain Locke, Samuel Powel and Alexander Wilson. New students who plan to attend those schools should call to double-check on registration dates (see the phone numbers below).

Last year, the line for registration at Penn Alexander began at 7:30 a.m. the previous day.

Here is some information from the District’s website:

Who needs to register?

• Philadelphia public school students who have moved to another city neighborhood over the summer.
• Children new to Philadelphia
• Children transferring in from private, parochial and charter schools
• Kindergarten students who were not pre-registered in the spring

What do you need to register?

• Parent/Legal Guardian must provide photo Identification (examples: Current PA Drivers License/Non-Drivers License or valid Federal, State or Municipal employment identification, Passport).

• Proof of Residency (examples: Deed, Original Rental Agreement/Lease (must be typed, signed by all parties and notarized), Current Voter Registration Card, Current Utility Bill, (e.g. PECO, PGW), Foster care and DHS letters are also acceptable for registration when student is in the care of a Foster/child care agency. Shelter placement or residency letters are also acceptable for homeless students).

• Proof of your child’s age. Acceptable proof includes birth, baptismal or other religious certificates, a passport or immigration documents.

• Your child’s Health Appraisal Forms and immunization records showing proof of the following inoculations: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella (German measles), Hepatitis B, and Varicella (chicken pox).

• Your child’s most recent report card and any other useful information (IEP, etc.) from the child’s former school or school district.

More information:

School uniform information

School catchment finder (this tool reflects the changes in catchment boundaries for Locke, Powel and Wilson that have resulted largely from the closure of Drew Elementary earlier this year).

Information on voluntary transfers

Information on free or reduced lunches

School information:

A. D. Harrington School
5300-34 Baltimore Ave
(215) 471 – 2914

B. B. Comegys School
5100 Greenway Ave.
(215) 727 – 2162

Alexander Wilson School
1300 S. 46th St.
(215) 823 – 8206

Samuel B. Huey School
5200 Pine St.
(215) 471 – 2901

Henry C. Lea School
4700 Locust St.
(215) 471 – 2915

Penn Alexander School
4209 Spruce St.
(215) 823 – 5465

Alain Locke School
4550 Haverford Ave.
(215) 823 – 8202

Martha Washington Academics
766 N. 44th St.
(215) 823 – 8203

Samuel Powel School
301 N. 36th St.
(215) 823 – 8201

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Sara Says:

    Mike/Neighbors –

    I live in the PAS catchment and have a child that will be starting kindergarten in the fall of 2013….

    Does Monday’s registration include my kid or would that still be the February registration?


  2. Mike Lyons Says:

    @Sara. No, this isn’t for you. You will register in February.

  3. 46er Says:

    Yeah it is usually on the coldest day of the year.

  4. Jen Says:

    I walked past a few families already camped out in front of PAS @ noon today (Sunday)- they have a sun-canopy and lawnchairs – so I guess 1st and 2nd grade is also going to be tight? Or are they overreacting?

  5. fiveblocksaway Says:

    Spoiler alert: Lea still has room…(no lawnchairs required)

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