
Early morning gun battle near 49th and Warrington

August 16, 2012

crimeA gun battle terrified nearby residents and damaged several cars early this morning near the corner of 49th Street and Warrington Avenue. No injuries were reported. Police report that at least 22 shots were fired at about 4 a.m., blowing the windows out of several cars. An investigation into the shootings continues, police said.

Many residents said they were awoken by what sounded like firecrackers – a series of shots in rapid succession. Residents said that it appeared that the shooters may have been hiding behind cars and exchanging fire.

Police found shell casings from .40 and .45 caliber weapons, indicating that at least two guns were involved. has photos here.

14 Comments For This Post

  1. Ryan Moore Says:

    It was most definitely not a gun battle. I live 50 feet from the incident, heard the shots. Sounded like someone emptied the clip of a *single* handgun.

  2. A Says:

    I also live on the block, and was woken from sleep. It sounded like two different guns to myself and a few others. Gun battle or not, it was terrifying and I hope somehow this person, or people are caught.

    Also, this NBC article is saying there was blood on one of the cars supposedly, though there’s been no follow-up in regards to that-

  3. Mike Lyons Says:

    Shell casings – 22 so far – were found from two different guns, a .40 and .45. Those are big weapons. As far as I know a .40 – like a Glock – holds 9-15 shells depending on the model. Police described it as a “run and gun battle.” We didn’t go that far, but “battle” seemed appropriate. Apologies if it seems a little sensational.

  4. Becky Says:

    Phew! I feel so much beter that is was only someone emptying a *single*

  5. JLI Says:

    This is really awful. I lived on the block from 2008-2010, moved away for 2 years and moved back. I never heard of gun stuff on that block until this year.

  6. Ben R Says:

    I was awoken by this as fell. Ironically weeks earlier my girlfriends car was shot on St Bernard St if you guys remember THAT gun battle. WHAT IS HAPPENING?

  7. stephanie Says:

    the st. bernard incident was scary, and to know that it’s happened again ( and BIGGER ) is scarier.

    stay safe, former neighbors!

  8. 49th St. Says:

    What happened on St. Bernard?

  9. E Says:

    The young lady in the news clip expresses shock that it happened in the neighborhood; plenty of people hanging around on the west end of that block always looked like drug-related business to me. Not that I want to know.

  10. A Says:

    Ben R, I would also like to know what gunfire you are referring to on St. Bernard a few weeks ago. Any info? Date?

  11. Ben R Says:

    There was (apparently) a dispute over an Iphone close to July 4th. I awoke to the sound of maybe 6 shots. One sided. I went out to the car the next morning and there was a bullet hole + bullet in my girlfriends camry. Which we since had junked (unrelated). Anyway. These events seem unrelated but still scary. I talked to a police officer (the Vietnamese one you see around West Philly a lot, really nice guy) and he said it was a road rage incident. Who knows…

  12. Ben R Says:

    In response to E. I agree. The house on the corner of Warrington and St Bernard is bad news.

  13. stephanie Says:

    marty, miss shirley, henry and the other long-time neighbors of st. bernard are very approachable. current neighbors should speak with them if there is any concern about the goings on on the 8xx block of st. bernard.

    in my 6+ year experience of living at 824, if there is “bad news” coming out of the corner house at warrington & st. bernard, it’s baby mama drama and afternoon beer drinking from paper bags, not drugs & gun violence.

    and, officer nick lai is a member of the fu-wah/vietnam/grillfish lai family. he & his wife, roxie, own nick’s discount ( best human hair in west philly ) on 47th.

  14. Ben S. Says:

    I agree with Stephanie. If you have a concern about what’s going on with the neighbors, speak with one of the long-time residents. My landlord, Miss Shirley, actually has real *relationships* with the neighbors, including the folks people here have been negatively speculating about on Warrington. You might want to try being accurate about what’s really going on with people, instead of spreading rumors. That requires establishing good relationships with your neighbors *before* singling them out with unfounded connections to random violence.

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