
Volunteers needed to work with middle school students

August 22, 2012

iPRAXIS, a nonprofit located in the University City Science Center, is currently recruiting volunteer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) experts to work at their partner middle schools. Volunteers expose students to the STEM disciplines and increase their excitement for, and understanding of, science.

Different types of volunteering opportunities are available, including science fair presenters and project mentors and afterschool mentors. Mentoring begins as early as September 14 and the schools located in West Philadelphia are Belmont Charter at 4030 Brown Street, Martha Washington at 44th and Aspen, and Lea at 47th and Locust.

iPRAXIS volunteers range from students from the region’s universities to PGW engineers to CEO’s and leading surgeons. Click here to learn more about iPRAXIS and its impact over the years.

If you are interested in volunteering with iPRAXIS, please visit and fill out a registration form. If you have questions, please call Meagan Hopkins-Doerr, Program Director at 215-966-6253 or email:


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