
Huge Sidewalk Sale in Powelton Village this Saturday

September 5, 2012

Thanks to our reader Tony D. for this info: The 32nd Annual Hamilton Street Porch Sale, a four-block long sidewalk sale, will be held in Powelton Village this Saturday (Sept. 8). The sale began as a small yard sale and has grown over the years to a four-block long sale with over 100 vendors, a mix of long time residents and local vendors.

There will be a wide variety of items for sale, including: housewares, bookcases, furniture, pottery, clothes, family treasures, books, antiques, plants, food, jewelry, musical instruments, electronics, and more.

The sale will take place all along Hamilton Street from 34th Street to 38th Street from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (rain date: Sunday, Sept. 9).

4 Comments For This Post

  1. RegularGuy Says:

    Can West Powelton residents set up a table and be part of the sale? Is there a way to register? I was planning to have a porch sale this weekend anyway. Please share more info. Thanks.

  2. Tony Dominick Says:

    Hello RegularGuy,

    We would like for other people in the area to be part of the sale. Each of the 4 blocks are organized by someone in the neighborhood who contacts neighbors and places people from outside the blocks in available spots. Contact me at “” and I can send you a registration form and give you more information.

  3. Steve Says:

    We look forward to this sale each year and thank you, Tony, for organizing it.

  4. Tony Dominick Says:

    It looks like the weather will hold out for tomorrow’s sale. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

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