
Neighbor reports bike theft from a house at 48th and Springfield

September 10, 2012

A reader, Rachel, emails that her roommate’s bike (pictured below) was stolen yesterday from their house near 48th and Springfield:

Someone walked into our house yesterday afternoon when the door (sadly) was not latched and stole my roommate’s bike from our foyer. He commutes to work with it and it’s a really sharp looking fixed gear – we’d love to get it back to him… It’s an Origin-8 frame. Weinmann dp18 rims, silver MKS track pedals. Another neighbor let us know his lock and helmet where on the ground around the corner from our place, where someone clearly ditched them.

The bike owner filed a police report and let the local bike shops know and hopes it will turn up.


7 Comments For This Post

  1. brendangrad Says:

    Good luck. I will keep an eye out for it. I think I am going to take a photo of my bike too just in case it ever goes missing.

  2. agentrem Says:

    Yes, everyone should have photos of their bike, and the serial number. Found under the bike. Also write your name and phone number on a piece of paper and put in in the seatpost, handlebars, even inside your rims.

    Get creative with leaving your mark on your bike. Makes it less anonymous.

  3. Sadie Says:

    If you are faculty, staff, or student at Penn, you can register your bicycle (and other personal belongings – phone, laptop, etc…) with the Penn Police. I had a bike stolen that was locked on my front porch and was registered with the Penn Police. It didn’t seem to make a difference in filing a police report that the bike was registered, so I’m not sure it helps anything. I don’t think it hurts to register your bike though.

  4. p Says:

    This is Philly people I don’t understand how people can be so careless this isn’t a small town where nothing happens. This a dangerous city and you should always be aware

  5. Lisa Says:

    School is back in. Bike thefts always go up this time of year because of how easy it is to hit the new, innocent, young students. As much as we love W. Philly, someone needs to warn the new students, and remind the rest of us. Bikes are a hot item, but we’ve had everything stolen from potted plants to garden hoses. If you want to keep something, lock it up or insure it. If someone has a better idea, please share it.

  6. Marjorie Says:

    My bike was stolen also, from my front porch on S. Farragut Terrace. Please keep your eyes open for a 2009 Specialized Vienna Globe 2 (unfortunately no pictures). It was locked with a Kryptonite U-lock that was cut through.

  7. Barb Says:

    Please, please, please do NOT EVER leave your doors unlocked, no matter where you live. Read the crime watch page, there are criminals all over the city, not just the “bad” areas. You have to be aware and be proactive morning, noon and night. Unfortunately, you learned a hard lesson and it could have been so much worse with an unlocked door. There are too many creeps walking around out neighborhoods and the only control we have is looking out for each other and securing our belongings as best as we can. Take care.

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