
Community policing initiative continues tonight

September 20, 2012

Officers from the 18th Police District will be visiting homes and businesses in the district tonight to share information about crime prevention.

According to the PhillyPolice Blog, officers will particularly focus on the area from Baltimore Avenue to Cedar Avenue, 57th Street to 62nd Street.

The tools they will talk about include Operation Safe I.D., which was put in place to help prevent burglaries and thefts and the department’s SafeCam project, which allows residents and businesses to register security cameras with the police department.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. sarah Says:

    Nothing about the rapid fire gunshots that went off last night at/around 48th and chester????

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Those were fireworks.

  3. 49th St. Says:

    Yeah, I thought they were fireworks too.

  4. Anon Says:

    When you’re close enough to hear the sparkle/hiss after the boom, it’s pretty telling.

  5. Bill Greene Says:

    also, the whistle before the pop. we heard ’em, too.

  6. Bill Greene Says:

    or was that the next night?

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