
Late-night armed robbery at 47th and Larchwood; report of a ditched gun near 43rd and Spruce

September 24, 2012

A 24-year-old man was robbed at gunpoint last night near 47th and Larchwood, according to police. At approximately 11 p.m., the man was standing in front of his apartment, pulling his keys out of the door, when he heard someone behind him say “Yo”. The victim thought it was his friend, but when he turned around he saw an unknown male pointing a gun at him. The victim handed the robber his backpack, $40.00 dollars and his iPhone. The phone was secured with a password which the robber asked for as well.

We are also trying to confirm with police an abandoned firearm report that we received from a reader. Apparently, someone reported a man with a gun on the 4300 block of Spruce last night and around 1 a.m. a few police cars showed up. They caught the suspect, but couldn’t find the gun that the suspect apparently disposed of somewhere on that block. The reader says that the policemen left after 20 minutes of searching the area.

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