
Woman killed in Brooklyn during Sandy had West Philly connections

November 2, 2012

A young woman who died on Monday night in Brooklyn when a tree fell on her during Hurricane Sandy had West Philly connections.

Jessie Streich-Kest, 24, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 and spent many hours working with homeless families and tutoring neighborhood children. She was a member of Penn Haven, a campus group “dedicated to people suffering homelessness and economic injustice,” according to its website.

Streich-Kest, a Brooklyn native, was walking her dog with a friend, Jacob Vogelman, during the storm when a tree fell on them. Neighbors discovered the two several hours later, Ditmas Park Corner reported.

Friends and relatives have flocked to Ditmas Park Corner to post tributes to Streich-Kest and Vogelman, including Streich-Kest’s former classmates from Penn. Here’s what one of them wrote:

“Jessie Streich-Kest was an extraordinary person, and I am tremendously privileged to have been her friend. No one I have ever met has devoted more of her life to service, to social equity, and to her friends than Jessie. Whether it was tutoring students in West Philadelphia, working to help the homeless, or dropping everything to listen to your problems, Jessie always strove to leave a positive mark on the world.”

If you knew Jessie, feel free to leave a comment.

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Jennymarie Says:

    I found out about Sandy’s most tragic victims several days ago through my friends in Queens who were still blessed to have full access to the internet. As a native of Brooklyn, NY my heart is extended to the families experiencing public and personal grief, loss and hope through the united folks on those of us blessed to have active internet service and power. My friend Annie, who is practically homeless has been using Twitter to broad cast live from Hurricane Sandy on her cell phone. She reported to me that she personally knew the deceased at least 24 hours ago. We are also praying for the care, recovery and adoption of the dog whom we haven’t heard about since then. God bless you for reading my words this blessed morning from West Philly.

  2. Outsider Says:

    Regarding the dog – that Ditmas Park article now says at the bottom:

    ‘UPDATE from neighbor Jared S in the comments: “My wife, mother and neighbor are taking the dog to the emergency room now.”’

  3. admin Says:

    Jessie’s dog is doing better:

  4. Jennymarie Says:

    While Max is perhaps the most common dog name, I am quite delighted to read these updates as Max was the name of my very first pitbull in beautiful Brooklyn. He lived to be 16 years old and his soul reside currently at my mother’s home in Florida. Is it wrong to perhaps consider this dog to be the rainbow and miracle of Hurricane Sandy just yet?

  5. Jennymarie Says:

    I’d like to just add that as I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to locate my own relatives and friends affected by the Hurricane Sandy, I am wondering if I’ve ever crossed paths with Jessie as I’ve lived in and out of Philadelphia since I was 27. I’m much older and have never attended college myself personally but I feel very blessed to know that I live in the same state where she was educated to touch so many peoples’ lives. I wish I could be there back home as I know the area is very beautiful and it touches me to know that people all across the country know who she is. I extend my strongest apologies and thanks to myriad local businesses in West Philly personally who have supported me in my own searches & hope that I have done my best to be truly supportive to our extended families across the country. I cannot believe that Jessie was only 24 and accomplished so much. I truly pray for her family and the family of her friend. Please delete this post if it is offensive; I am just very moved by the support for this woman.

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