
Election Day is tomorrow and here are a few things to know

November 5, 2012

voteHere are a few things to keep in mind as you head to the polls on Tuesday:

• Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

• An easy way to find your polling place is to go here and plug in your street address.

• Besides the race for President, voters tomorrow will also decide on a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Attorney General, Auditor General, State Treasurer, State Senator (odd districts only) and State Representative. You can find some information on the candidates here.

• There are several places to find out info on this year’s ballot questions. Philadelphia Magazine‘s blog, Philly Post, has some background on the ballot questions here. Philadelphia Weekly has its take on the questions here. The Committee of 70’s rendering of the ballot questions into plain English is here.

• If you observe some hijinks at your polling station, call 215-686-9641 to report it.

• The Voter ID law is NOT in place for this election. BUT those voting for the first time and those voting in a new polling place will have to show some form of ID (it doesn’t have to be photo ID). These include: driver’s license or state-issued photo ID, passport, armed forces ID, student ID, employee ID. Non-photo ID: voter registration card, gun permit, current utility bill, current bank statement, current paycheck (note: must have full name and current address.)

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Kim Woodbridge Says:

    I was wondering about needing an ID at a new polling place. I moved over the summer and updated my voter registration so this my first time at this polling place. I was going to be ID just in case but I’m glad you confirmed this for me.

  2. Duwayne Says:

    You will have to show ID if it’s your first time at a new polling place. This has nothing to do with the Voter ID Law; it’s the way it’s always been.

  3. Tom Says:

    The PA Department of State also offers a voter registration status check. It may be more useful than that polling place locator linked above, as it will provide the correct polling place for the address at which a voter is currently registered. For example, anyone who has moved since the last election but failed to update their voter registration may have difficulty voting at the polling place associated with their current address, and should go to their prior polling place instead.

    Check here:

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