
News and notes on Election Day

November 6, 2012

Voting seemed to have gotten off to a brisk start this morning, with many polling stations reporting long lines. While this is no reason to start wildly speculating about results in West Philly, it’s at least a good sign.

We will continually update this post throughout the day with bits and pieces of information and observations from around the neighborhoods. Please feel free to write us at or tweet us at @westphillylocal with your observations while voting.

Here are some early tweets from this morning:

Also – to lighten things up a little – we asked what might be the best way to work “jawn” into an Election Day tweet. @AdamButler got into this. His responses:


2 Comments For This Post

  1. Jessie Says:

    Awesome blogging!

  2. slugmother Says:

    Proud to be part of the most democratic-leaning district outside of New York City. Go PA-2!

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