
Lea Elementary students are headed to campus

November 29, 2012

More than 100 Henry C. Lea Elementary students have been invited to spend a day at the University of Pennsylvania this Saturday (Dec. 1) when they become honorary college students during College Day 2012. The goal of this event (held three times each year) is to “excite students about the college experience, so they will be motivated to work hard in middle and high school and strive for a college education.”

Lea students are expected to come in the morning and stay until about 4 p.m. Penn students will be mentors throughout the day, sharing their college experiences with the kids and showing them around the campus. College Day participants will also take a mock Wharton management course and complete a class project – working in groups, they’ll design products that college students would want to purchase. At the end of their visit, Lea students will see a performance of Penn dance and singing groups.

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