
Bike corral installed in front of Mariposa

November 30, 2012

A new bike corral was installed this week in front of Mariposa Food Co-op, near the intersection of 49th St. and Baltimore Ave, accommodating a dozen or more bikes. (Photo courtesy Bicycle Coalition).

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Suzanne Says:

    Does anyone know if this is the permanent installation or if there will be other (more attractive) barriers installed to replace the orange sticks bolted into the pavement?

  2. Happy Curmudgeon Says:

    I’m disappointed that there have not been complaints about how the UPenn students will mess this up somehow. 😉

  3. Kate Says:

    ugh stupid upenn students taking up road space for their lame wussy bicycles dont tey know cars want to drive their

    (Better? 😉 I’d like to see more attractive barriers as well, but I feel like this might be the best bet for safety.)

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