
Food trucks accepting canned food donations

December 7, 2012

The Philadelphia Mobile Food Association is teaming up with Philabundance in an effort to make holidays brighter for those who can’t afford food.  PMFA is organizing a canned food drive this month and will be accepting non-perishable food donations until December 23. You can drop off your donation at any PMFA food truck (see the list of participating West Philly trucks below). The project launched last Saturday during the PMFA Holiday Round Up. Next time you visit your favorite truck remember to bring some canned goods for your fellow man.

  • Lil Dan’s (33rd & Arch)
  • Spot Burger (33rd & Arch)
  • Chewy’s (Market St. between 34th & 35th)
  • Gigi’s and Big R (38th & Spruce)
  • Cupcake Carnivale (33rd & Arch)

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