
Community input sought for Spruce Hill planning this Thursday

December 10, 2012

Here’s an opportunity to share your vision of the Spruce Hill neighborhood this upcoming Thursday (Dec. 13). The Spruce Hill Community Association is hosting a Community Visioning Workshop and all are welcome to come and offer their thoughts on what kind of a place you would like Spruce Hill to be. The workshop will be held at the Spruce Hill Christian School (42nd & Baltimore), beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Community input is needed for the planning process as the Philadelphia Planning Commission is working on a new District Plan and Re-zoning for West Philadelphia neighborhoods (University/Southwest District Plan). Many West Philly residents participated in the first University/Southwest public meeting on November 13 at the Enterprise Center. More details, including the summary and presentation from that meeting are available here.

For more information on the workshop, contact Barry Grossbach, chair of the Spruce Hill Community Trust, at, or leave a telephone message at the Spruce Hill Community Center, 215-349-7825.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Andy L. Says:

    Thanks so much for plugging this; I’ve been involved in some of the planning. There are a lot of informational meetings in this neighborhood or chances to vent, but this will be a lot more than that; it will be extremely interactive and hands-on and the opinions collected will have a real impact on the future zoning of this neighborhood. Most anyone who comes to this blog cares about what happens if the neighborhood — if that’s you, please do what you can to come out to this. It won’t be a wasted evening. The city plans to make changes, and this is one our our biggest opportunities as a community to influence what happens.

  2. slugmother Says:

    I hope someone brings up a reconfiguration of the intersection at Baltimore & Springfield, as mentioned in an earlier blog post on this site. I would go voice concern myself, but I will be working that night.

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