
Recycle reminder for this holiday season

December 21, 2012

holiday-recyclingThe Philadelphia Recycling Office sends a reminder of importance of recycling this holiday season and urges residents to recycle their holiday gift packaging and party supplies. It is also an easy way to rack up more Philadelphia Recycling Rewards points that can be redeemed for holiday gifts and store discounts.

“The Philadelphia Streets Department and Recycling Office invites residents to recycle all of their holiday packaging this year and help divert more waste from our City’s landfills,” said Philadelphia Streets Commissioner Clarena I.W. Tolson.

A variety of holiday items or packaging can be recycled, including wrapping paper, paper and cardboard boxes, paper shopping bags and plastic packaging. Also, don’t forget to recycle year round items, such as cartons, glass bottles and aluminum cans. For a full list of recyclable materials, please visit

The City of Philadelphia will also hold its Christmas Tree Recycling Program again this year, in which residents can drop off their trees for composting and mulching. The Streets Department will be accepting Christmas trees at sanitation convenience centers from Monday, January 7, 2013 through Saturday, January 19, 2013. Last year, nearly 22 tons of trees were collected through the program, which translates into 1,757 trees.

In addition to the Streets Department Christmas Tree Recycling Program, there are several other Christmas tree programs being offered by partner organizations. We’ll post more information about other ways to recycle your trees in West Philadelphia very soon.


3 Comments For This Post

  1. LW Says:

    According to this UCD flyer I have, UC Green will have Christmas tree and electronics recycling at Clark Park on Saturday January 7, 10-4. $10 suggested donation.

  2. Ella Says:

    Tree recycling is on the 5th, not the 7th 🙂

  3. LW Says:

    Oh you’re right. THe UCD flyer does say January 7 though. They probably cut and pasted last year’s flyer …

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