
Transforming asphalt: Plan to be announced to make Lea’s schoolyards green

January 8, 2013

Lea Elementary

The new look for Lea Elementary schoolyards? Designers, community and school groups hope so.

That big slab of asphalt surrounding the Henry Lea School (47th and Locust) is an urban space designer’s dream. Tomorrow you can see what a team of designers came up with to turn the schoolyards of Lea into “vibrant, active, fun, ecological, educational, green schoolyard and community space.”

Collaborative Designers will present the “Greening Lea” plan tomorrow (Wednesday) from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the school’s auditorium (enter through the small playground off Locust Street.)

The result of the school’s participation in the Community Design Collaborative’s “Transforming Urban Schoolyard Design” workshop last year, the plan combines the efforts of school and community groups (including the West Philly Coalition of Neighborhood Schools), professional designers and public agencies.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. King Cheetah Says:

    This is awesome. I really hope to see more initiatives like this around the neighborhood. There are so many advantages to increased green space.

  2. LW Says:

    Great news and congrats to everyone! Is the implementation of the plan itself actually funded?

  3. Julie Says:

    The master plan is a vision of what the school yard can be. The $60,000 of in-kind work provided by the Community Design Collaborative grant represents about 15% of the process toward a green school yard. We have applied for several grants, Barra, Bennett, PECO, Greenbuild Legacy Project, and have more in the works.

    There are many ways for people to get involved to make this project a reality. We are starting a fundraising committee that will meet next Wednesday, January 16, at 7:30. If you are interested in joining the committee or getting involved in any way, email

    This is an exciting project and it will take some work to get there. Hope you will join us!

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