
Woman injured in early morning house fire on 4600 block of Larchwood

January 23, 2013


The row home at 4616 Larchwood Avenue this morning, after the fire was put out.

A woman was injured after jumping out of the 2nd floor window trying to escape a row home fire early this morning at 4616 Larchwood Avenue. The fire broke out shortly before 4:30 a.m. and was put out just before 5:30 a.m., NBC10 reports. The woman also sustained some burns and was taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Her condition is unknown at this time.




9 Comments For This Post

  1. Lynn Major Says:

    Miki was transferred to the Temple Burn Unit today and is in stable condition.

  2. Concerned neighbor Says:

    Does anyone know how the fire broke out? Was it a space heater or faulty electrical? Just curious because I use space heaters and I know some of these old house have have seen their fare share of un-handyman electrical work. I hope everyones alright and the house is repairable.

  3. Lynn Major Says:

    We’re hoping to learn more soon…
    but a silver lining is that Richard – the homeowner – not only got out unscathed, but his cat did, too.

    The house is now boarded up, but Richard says he appreciates knowing that we’re concerned and will keep our eyes & ears out for now.
    Stay tuned…

  4. Lynn Major Says:

    The following [slightly condensed] information comes from Dina, a close friend of Miki’s…

    Miki’s cousin, brother and sister-in-law are [coming into town]. They have a place to stay with friends. (btw, thank you to neighbors who offered to host them!)

    “Miki will make it. She will pull through,” said Dina, “however, her recovery will be long and slow.” Miki will be in BICU at Temple at least a month.
    Burns are now assessed at being 20-25% (that is good news).
    Vital signs are getting better! Fever is controlled. High blood pressure is controlled.
    Miki is on a breathing machine with a tube in her throat and cannot talk. She is highly sedated, on a lot of pain medication. If asked to squeeze someone’s finger, she will respond.
    Miki’s vital signs are stable. She has no more fever.
    Over-all, she is moving in the right direction.”
    Dina did communicate to Miki the love, concern and sadness that neighbors have expressed.

    Miki has a huge support network. Though devastated and anguished, they ready to offer love and support.

  5. Paula Koda Says:

    This is Miki’s cousin and I just want to thank everyone for your support and prayers for Miki during this difficult time. I am touched that she has such a strong circle of friends and such a broad network of support.

    Health wise, Miki is getting a bit better every day. Today she was alert enough to look around the room. I and some others who have seen her apartment are floored by the devastation and can easily imagine the reason she chose to jump.

    If you are seeing this, please note that the hospital has now limited visitation to immediate family and a few close individuals. This is for Miki’s benefit and will help her recovery. She is also not able to receive flowers, balloons or food items at this time. If you send cards, we will post them in the room.

    In the next few days there will be a social networking site that will provide additional updates on a daily basis, which you can access to keep up with her progress. We will share that site with you as soon as it becomes available.

    Thanks again for your concern – Paula

  6. Pat Callahan Says:

    Just heard about the fire and Miki’s injury. Saying prayers for her recovery.

  7. Christel Says:

    Miki broke her back in the fall. Her spinal cord was damaged and she suffered broken ribs.

    Miki’s recovery will be difficult and probably not complete.

    Long-term support will be needed for Miki’s care.

    Dina said today that Miki’s condition is stable.

  8. Sarah Goldfine-Ward Says:

    This is a message for all of the many, many people who care for and are concerned about Miki, from her brother, Mike:

    Thank you for your concern for our friend Miki Takamori.
    She was seriously injured in the fire in her house this month, but is making progress in her recovery and getting good care at the ICU Burn Unit at Temple University.
    She cannot receive non-family visitors because of the risk of infection, but can receive cards and letters. [Flowers, food, and balloons are not permitted.]
    You can follow her progress on a website set up by her family, and make donations towards her care and recovery at the website if you wish.

    Thank you again for your concern. Your thoughts, prayers, and good wishes are appreciated by her family and friends.

    Here’s the address for cards.

    Miki Takamori
    Temple Inpatient Burn Unit,
    Rock Pavilion
    ROOM 405, 4th Floor
    Broad & Ontario Streets
    Philadelphia, PA 19140

    Here’s the website for Miki.

  9. Lynn Major Says:

    Thank you, Sarah, for delivering this message at the fire safety workshop and for following up with providing this information right away!

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