
Two people injured, cars smashed in overnight car chase

January 29, 2013



Photos by Vinicio Guevara.

An overnight car chase involving a silver colored vehicle fleeing from police northbound on 46th Street resulted in several smashed parked cars and two people injured inside another car at the intersection of 46th St. and Springfield Avenue. Our readers reported the car chase and sent photos around midnight. The chase started at 45th and Woodland, police said. The man injured in the crash was taken to the hospital and was undergoing surgery, NBC10 reports.


13 Comments For This Post

  1. e Says:

    What block of 46th St. is this?

  2. Caitlin L Says:

    @ e, this is right at the corner of 46 and springfield. 900 block

  3. Andy Says:

    The 2nd wreck was still there at 9:00am this morning. They must have been going very very fast.

  4. EN Says:

    This is the 5th wreck on this street since I have moved there. And the 2nd car chase.

  5. EN Says:

    I really hope that the people injured come of it ok!

  6. Caitlin L Says:

    Yup, my car got totaled last time it happened.

  7. Mamalade Says:

    Am I mistaken that the police aren’t supposed to engage in high-speed chases anymore? Or is that just for the pursuit of off-road vehicles? Can anyone elaborate on the official policy?

  8. Brandon Says:


    You are correct. That policy only pertains to off-road vehicles. The police can pursue someone in an automobile.

  9. Handsome Pete Says:

    The sign on the left side of the first picture was just replaced after the original was taken out by a car a week or so ago.

    I think I’m going to give up walking in the neighborhood. My dogs can learn to use the toilet.

  10. a Says:

    my vehicle was also totaled by a reckless police cruiser. VERY unnecessarily, i watched it happen. they also SERIOUSLY injured two people in a parked car. they looked dead. the news report did not confirm this,but i seen it. and it looked FATAL.

  11. Lindsay Says:

    Anyone know why that totaled car is still there? While it looks lovely and serves as an excellent warning to all the jerks who fly through that intersection, you’d think they might have towed to by now. Maybe to the service station less than a block away.

    Just a thought.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    Maybe its owners are in the hospital? Just a thought.

  13. Lindsay Says:

    I was operating under the impression that the police would arrange the removal of vehicles involved in accidents when the owners are unable to do so. If that’s not how this works, I’m sorry. I’ve just never seen a wreck hanging out in an intersection for days.

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