
A conversation about gun violence in the city this Sunday

February 1, 2013

Philadelphia has more homicides per capita than any big city in the country. Guns are used in most of those murders. More than 100 people were shot in December in the city. A “conversation and exploration” will be held beginning at 1 p.m. this Sunday, Feb. 3, at The Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore) aimed at figuring out ways to curb gun violence.

Speakers at “Addressing Gun Violence in Philadelphia: A Conversation & Exploration” include Erica Atwood, a community engagement specialist with the Mayor’s office, and Daniel O’Brien, the assistant managing director of Philly Rising.

Free childcare will be available at The Calvary Center from 1-2:30 p.m. Write wpmf  -at- to sign up for child care.

Kol Tzedek Synagogue, West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship and Calvary United Methodist Church are sponsoring the event.

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