
West Philly Kindergarten Open Houses in March 2013

February 27, 2013

Here’s a list of kindergarten open houses scheduled in West Philadelphia in March compiled by the West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools and co-sponsored by Cedar Park Neighbors, Garden Court Community Association, Spruce Hill Community Association, and Walnut Hill Community Association.


A. D. Harrington School
5300-34 Baltimore Ave., 19143
(215) 471 – 2914
Open House: 3/5, 9:09-9:45 a.m.

Alain Locke School
4550 Haverford Ave., 19139
(215) 823 – 8202
Open House: 3/5, call school for time

Alexander Wilson School
1300 S. 46th St., 19143
(215) 823 – 8206
Open House: 3/5, Starts 9:00 a.m.

B. B. Comegys School
5100 Greenway Ave., 19143
(215) 727 – 2162
Open House: 3/5, 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Henry C. Lea School
4700 Locust St., 19139
(215) 471 – 2915
Open House: 3/5, 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.

Martha Washington Academics
766 N. 44th St., 19104
(215) 823 – 8203
Open House: Not having Open House in March
Will have Open House on 5/17, 12:30-1:15 p.m.

Morton McMichael School
3543 Fairmount Ave., 19104
(215) 823-8272
Open House: 3/5, 1:30-2:15 p.m.

Penn Alexander School
4209 Spruce St., 19104
(215) 823 – 5465
Open House: 3/5, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Samuel B. Huey School
5200 Pine St., 19143
(215) 471 – 2901
Open House: 3/5, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Samuel Powel School
301 N. 36th St., 19104
(215) 823 – 8201
Open House: 3/5, 8:30-10:00 a.m.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. anon Says:

    We’re having a Kindergarten open house for a school slated for closure and another where there are no spots and kids are wait listed? A waste of time and resources.

  2. Andy L. Says:

    The district does these open houses in both March and May. I’d encourage anyone who’s interested to pick one to attend next week and another to attend in May since the vast majority of these times overlap. We’re expecting large turnout at Lea’s open house in particular, which will have several neighborhood associations in attendance and inviting neighbors out.

    School closures haven’t technically been voted on yet by the SRC, so that’s why Wilson is still on this list.

  3. Heather Says:

    McMichael was on the close list but no longer is.

    Note too that Harrington and Comegys are supposed to go from K-6 to K-8.

    Here is the link to the latest list of proposed closings and changes:

  4. Amara Says:

    Additionally, one need not be a parent of an incoming 2013-2014 kindergarten student in order to attend these. All are welcome!

  5. Robin Says:

    Powel’s Kindergarten Open House will start at 8:30.

  6. LW Says:

    I went to the Lea Open House, there was a ton of interested parents there, and some good info from teachers and staff. Also many thanks to the local community associations for providing the generous snacks!

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