
Trash can to the windshield (updated)

March 6, 2013


Trash collectors have a tough job and usually they are professional and thorough, but not always. Here’s what happened to a neighbor, Kelly, this morning:

“It appears our trash [collector] can get away with tossing your can all of the place including through your windshield. Today on the 5000 block of Catharine Street, we received an early morning [visit] from our neighbors to inform us the trash workers had thrown a trash can into our windshield. Now I have to wait for Waste Management who only lets you leave a recording to mail us a claim form. I have little hope they will reimburse us… I also doubt my report to 311 will do anything. And thanks to this a day of work was lost and my eldest missed school.”

Kelly adds that neighbors on both sides of her house saw it happen and came to her door to let her know. She says that everything was tossed about and it was not the wind.

UPDATE (3/7): Here’s a response from Philly311 we received this morning:

17 Comments For This Post

  1. Allison H. Says:

    This is especially infuriating after walking around that block today, and other blocks, and seeing an extraordinary amount of trash that clearly didn’t make it into the trucks… while I think the trash collectors are partially to blame, pretty sure we should also blame neighbors who aren’t using, or securely closing up their, trash bags.

    PLEASE NEIGHBORS! Use and securely close your trash bags. And pick up as much trash that the trash collectors missed (or, unfortunately) dumped) in front of your house. If you won’t, who will?

  2. Anon Says:

    I would file a police report.

  3. Kim Woodbridge Says:

    @Allison – I so agree. People seem to think that if they didn’t make the mess then they don’t have to pick it up. But, I don’t understand how trash in front of their house doesn’t bother them. The wind today is blowing litter in front of my house and I’ve picked it up a couple of times.

    I’ve had a lot of luck getting the attention of @Philly311 on Twitter – that might be a good way to get someone on the case.

  4. Emersonpickle Says:

    The trash on the street this morning was unbelieveable and it was not there yesterday. I cant help but wonder if bags are getting opened so people can go through them. Our front is an absolute mess and its evident that the trash scattered was not from our trash cans- the food wrappers are not the normal type we see/use in this house. The trash scattered on 49th street, Catharine and 50th was far beyond the normal trash day clean up- even with high winds. I was even noticing how crazily the trash cans were blocking walkways and all over the place. Clearly, there was something special happening with the trash this morning. I cant believe they can break a windshild and keep on moving.

  5. joel Says:

    It was very windy this morning. Are you sure this was malicious on the part of a sanitation worker and not just the wind?

  6. B.nothing Says:

    Two different neighbors both watched a garbage man throw a recycling bin into the windshield. I go outside right after it got smashed and instantly notice trash all over the streets and sidewalks(twice as much as normal). It must have been a new garbage crew. Our old crew is always very angry but this new crew went all rambo. It was a little odd. I hope Kelly gets paid back for the windshield repairs.

  7. Jena Says:

    I’ve been on the block 7 years and have experienced respectful and friendly waste collectors on 49th street. This incident suprises me.

  8. B.nothing Says:

    Respect, yes ive always gotten that from the waste collectors on 50th. ive heard em yell, seen em throw bins into cars by accident and leave small messes here and there but for the most part they are very respectful no matter how hard there job is. But today was different. Someone was pissed off and the windshield and the trash on the block are proof. It wasnt wind, it was half dumped garbage on the streets and sidewalks between 50th and 51st Catharine. They smashed a window and just took off. No respect at all

  9. Say it isn't so Says:

    I am surprised at how willing people are to judge those who don’t want to clean other people’s litter from their sidewalks but not of the trash collectors who clearly seemed to have an off day. Sounds like some serious class guilt and enabling to me. Or maybe it’s that you purchased your house for 200k in a questionable neighborhood and now your house is easily worth 4-500k and your finally be forced to see how you contributed to the turnover of the neighboor and became a yuppie instead of the social change artist you claimed to be when you justified purchasing that house for dirt cheap from people who couldn’t afford to maintain or install bars on the windows themselves.

  10. April Says:

    I LOVE our garbage men! They noticed our recycling bins were stolen, and without asking they replaced them with 2 brand new ones on our porch one morning. I really have a hard time believing they would purposefully smash someone’s windshield. It was VERY windy yesterday morning and I saw bins flying all over the place while driving to work. Maybe, just maybe, he went to toss it as usual and the wind carried it to your windshield. I still hope the city pays for it.

  11. helix Says:

    wonderful social commentary from ‘say it isn’t so’. this despite witness’ accounts AND praise for our local City Employees

    thanks man

    pure comedy

  12. Jen Says:

    Warning: don’t feed the trolls!

  13. helix Says:


  14. Josh Says:

    I’m willing to bet that “say it ain’t so” is NOT a local and is instead one of the many renters who seems to be upset with the fact that people are starting to build communities with families rather than keep renting spots out for cheap.

    Or not. Who knows. But that comment is see through. Don’t hate people for wanting to build a community and don’t hate people who bought a home in an area they could actually afford. West Philly has great architecture and affordable prices. Why wouldn’t someone want to move here and help to contribute to their neighborhood?

    Yuppie or social change blah blah, the people I know who purchase homes in West Philly are here because they like the sense of community. This website (even though it really should be called University City Local and NOT West Philly Local) is proof of that.

    For the record, I am a relatively new home owner on the 5100 block of Catharine. I love my neighbors and I love my neighborhood. You can call me whatever you want, I don’t care. I’m putting into my neighborhood because I love my neighbors and want my kids to grow up in a community and not isolated. One of the easiest ways to do that is to take 10 minutes to pick up the trash that ends up in front of your house. Another way is to make eye contact with the neighbor who has been there for 30 years. Say hello. Ask her a question. Learn her name. She’s seen things come and go, and she’s the lady who will tell you if the trash man dumped the can on your car.


  15. Didi Says:

    Josh, I don’t think this was your intention, but as a renter, your comment feels pretty hostile.

    My husband and I have lived in our apartment for 5 years. We are close with our neighbors and involved with our community. We check in regularly with our older neighbor and lend a hand whenever we can. Buying a home is beyond our reach, but I don’t feel that this makes us second class within the community and I hope you don’t either.

  16. Anon Says:

    @ Didi – I too am a renter, I cannot afford to buy a 500,000 house so my daughter and I rent and I still feel like I am a part of community just as much as any homeowner. I grew up in this area, I don’t plan on leaving any time soon either. I felt Josh’s comments were rather hostile as well.

  17. Josh Says:

    It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone. I am sorry my comment struck you as hostile. I also caution folks not to make assumptions on tone when reading comments on the internet as it makes it hard to detect tone. Moreover, I don’t know where the idea of a first or second class came into play, but I do feel like that’s quite the the leap…

    Love thy neighbor.


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