
Penn Retail Survey seeks UC resident responses

March 13, 2013

If you live in the University City area, your participation is requested for Penn’s 2013 Retail Market Survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Division of Facilities and Real Estate Services. The survey has received a lot of responses from students and staff, but more input is sought from neighborhood residents.

The survey is designed to gather ideas and opinions for a new retail real estate master plan – information you share will be used to “evaluate retail opportunities on and off  campus and plan for future needs.” Just to clarify, the survey’s interest is retail businesses on Penn property, a sliver of the University City District. “We’re hoping some UCD residents utilize the Penn retail offerings as well,” says senior research associate Abbey Becker.

To access the survey please follow this link. Respondents who provide their email address will be entered in a drawing to win a gift certificate from a Penn merchant. NOTE: The survey closes after this Friday (March 15).


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