
Man shot near Cedar Park, shots reported outside cultural center

March 16, 2013

crimeA man who was reportedly released on parole was shot in both legs at around 6:30 p.m. last night on the 4900 block of Catharine Street, about 20 feet from the Cedar Park playground.

Police showed up soon after shooting was reported, but couldn’t find any victims. Later they found the 32-year-old man at Temple University hospital where he had been dropped off, according to The victim is listed in stable condition. A house near where the man was shot has been associated with criminal activity, according to a neighbor. Apparently, it was a shootout between two people. reports that the shooting was one of at least a half-dozen across the city last night.

Some residents near the corner of St. Bernard and Springfield are reporting that they heard between four and six gunshots and screaming just before 3 a.m. this morning outside of the African Cultural Center, which has been criticized in the past for late-night parties. They witnessed a lot of people running away from the center’s entrance, towards their cars to leave. Several police cars later arrived. At this point it’s not known if any arrests were made or if anyone was injured.

Several residents worked last year to bring attention to late-night events at the cultural center, which in recent years has been rented out by the owners for cover-charge events that typically run into the early morning hours. The problem is that the center, which also occasionally hosts wedding receptions and other events, is in a residential area.

Mike Lyons

12 Comments For This Post

  1. Naomi Says:

    Email share option for this article is not working.

  2. admin Says:

    Not sure what the problem is. It worked for us a few minutes ago.

  3. Naomi Says:

    Still saying page not available. I’m on an Android phone if that matters. (And feel free to delete these posts. I wasn’t sure where to post.)

  4. Jen Says:

    The problem is NOT that the center is in a residential area. The problem is, young people have guns now. Problems that before were being solved with fists are now being solved with guns. I live near the center and have not been bothered until last night.

  5. Faith Says:

    I live on St. Bernard and definitely heard this last night. Not sure if the shootings are related.

  6. George Says:

    That sh*thole should be shut down as should the New Third World Lounge.

  7. Kelvyn Anderson Says:

    Notes from Tuesday’s meeting re recent events at the African Cultural Center


    Sorry for the delay, here’s my recollection of what was discussed. Anyone else who was there please chime in, correct, add your thoughts etc.

    About 15-20 of us attended, several of whom were also involved in the meeting with 12th District police last summer. A representative from UCD, and 18th District Officers Vallette and Seaman were also present.

    We discussed the most recent shooting (including a handful of cartridges) and reviewed the flyers advertising the event, and others advertising the upcoming event this week (Friday). We focused on the presence of alcohol sales at the events as noted in detail on the advertisements. There were also concerns about the age of those attending events at the ACC, along with our long-standing questions about what is actually permitted activity at the facility.

    About 20 minutes into the discussion, Chima Orji, owner of the ACC, showed up. As he did last summer, Orji tried to avoid or re-direct responsibility for what occurred, insisting that the contract he signs prohibits sales of alcohol, under-age drinking etc. He was unclear about what is activity is permitted in the ACC.

    Orji and another supporter of the center who attended the meeting spent a lot of time trying to rest on the laurels of Mr. Orji’s past efforts to clean up the corridor around 50th & Springfield, and his original vision of the center as a home for multicultural events. To hear him tell it, Orji single-handedly chased the prostitutes away back then.

    However, several long-term residents noted that 1) the neighborhood was cleaned up with the efforts of several groups not just Orji, and 2) the folks who are renting the ACC for events of late do no fit Mr Orji’s original vision and have caused numerous problems (excessive noise, trash, and now a shooting).

    The tone of our conversation was slightly heated at times, but respectful. No one wants to put Mr. Orji out of business, but the group consensus/message was clear: take responsibility for what happens at your business.

    I thought we were successful at keeping the discussion where it belonged: neighborhood public safety. Frankly though, despite his eventual acknowledgement that he must take action to control the events at ACC, the responsibility to force official action from licensing and inspections, LCB etc, lies with the community that is being impacted.

    So what next? Based on Orji’s obfuscations and the language of the flyers advertising alcohol sales and the times of the scheduled events, police at the meeting began issuing citations to Mr. Orji, which seemed to get his attention.

    As Renee and several other neighbors have noted we must continue to hold public officials accountable for proper inspection and monitoring of events at ACC. That includes contacting city council, attending meetings at both the 12th & 18th police districts. Report any problems to police, and use the center’s correct address: 1000 S ST BERNARD.

    This is also a good opportunity to consider placing public surveillance cameras somewhere along Springfield between 49th & 50th to help capture what we’re seeing and use as evidence when appropriate.

    I plan to be around Friday night to help keep an eye on the scheduled event, as I’m sure several others will be, along with a stepped-up police presence.

    As an aside, Mr. Orji recently applied for an L&I permit to turn the 2nd and 3rd floors of the ACC into a residence. I’m curious how someone who is about $7000 in arrears on taxes at the ACC (and other properties he owns) can get permits for additional work..another question that needs an answer.

    Kelvyn Anderson
    49th St.

  8. Ricky Says:

    People need to be held responsible for their actions. The owner knows exactly what’s going to go on during those late night parties.

  9. J.T. Says:

    More shots fired yesterday (Thursday) around 6:30pm at the same location on the 4900 block of Catharine st. Police arrived a few minutes later.

  10. Gordon Says:

    Where can I get Chima’s phone number? This is a completely serious question.

    I thin that if Chima isn’t aware of what is going on at his business, then the residents need to make his phone ring and provide some motivation to get more involved.

    Call me crazy, but if there is a loud party, Chima should be getting phone calls so he can SEE what is going on.

    If there are shootings, Chima needs to get about 300 phone calls.

    If Chima doesn’t want to properly manage his property, then it is up to us to make it a huge headache, to that point that he cleans it up, or sells it to someone who is can use that space for ways that contribute to the community, instead of detract from the quality of life.

  11. pinto Says:

    when the likeness of Kelvyn Anderson of 721 S 49th Street near Baltimore Avenue who only moved into the neighborhood recently and had never been to African Cultural Center before nor attended any events there in the last 10 years could write about under-aged drinking and sale of alcohol beverages amounts to merely witch-hunting.When he invited Officer King of the Liquor control Enforcement and they could not find any-wrong-doing at ACC, so who is fooling who?.

    When the same individual writes about $7000 unpaid Real Estate Taxes, so, does he now collect Taxes for the City, Cedar Park or does he have personal interests on the property or could this be a share envy. I keep my fingers crossed

  12. Nok19143 Says:

    Yes, you know what will really convince neighbors that the ACC is on the up and up? Attacking personally the neighbors who are complaining, posting their home addresses and going after their minor children. Check and mate, my friend, all of West Philly is now on your side! Oh and the unpaid real estate taxes are up to $8,952 Mr. Chima Murphy Orji should really look into that as he’s about to lose 4845 Osage to foreclosure, 5155-59 W. Girard to city tax liens, and the city is suing him for unpaid gas bills. And everyone knows Liquor Control Enforcement in this neighborhood is not, shall we say, robust, though they will raid Local 44 if they think they can make money off of bogus fines…

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