
Neighbor injured in January house fire passes away

April 5, 2013

We are very sad to report that Miki Takamori, the woman who was injured in the house fire on the 4600 block of Larchwood Avenue on Jan. 23, has passed away. Miki sustained serious injuries in the fire, including burns on 20-25 percent of her body, and a broken back and ribs from jumping out of the second floor window trying to escape the blaze, but was doing better in the last several weeks. She had made tremendous progress since the accident and was getting close to the time when she could be transferred to a rehabilitation center from the hospital, when on Monday, Apr. 3, she suddenly went into cardiac arrest, according to her friends.

Miki’s funeral will take place on Saturday, Apr 13 at the Unitarian Society of Germantown:

April 13 (Saturday) at 2:00 p.m.
Unitarian Society of Germantown
6511 Lincoln Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19119


3 Comments For This Post

  1. H Says:

    I didn’t know Miki, but I’m so sorry to her friends and family for their loss.

  2. lin Says:

    This is unbelievably sad. So sorry.

  3. Amy Jurss Remillard Says:

    Miki was an amazing person. I knew her in high school. She was one of the nicest people you could have ever met. She will be missed. May God’s perpetual light shine upon her.

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