
A grassroots meeting on guns as the violence heats up

April 10, 2013

There is an axiom in Philadelphia (and most other cities) – as the weather heats up, so does the gun violence. Two people were shot to death last night in the city, including an 18-year-old near 54th and Chestnut. Six others were injured. An important meeting tonight at The Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore) is part of a grassroots effort to help curb gun violence in the city.200148614-001

The meeting includes representatives from CeaseFire, an organization whose aim is to unite neighborhood and community groups to address gun violence, and Heeding God’s Call, a faith-based group that stands up to witness gun violence and pressures local gun stores to implement practices that will deter “straw purchases” of guns.

Tonight’s meeting runs from 6:30-8 p.m. This is the second gathering on “Addressing Gun Violence” organized by Kol Tzedek Synagogue, West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship, and Calvary United Methodist Church. All three congregations are part of POWER, Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower and Rebuild, an organization dedicated to opportunity and justice for Philadelphians. If you have questions, e-mail rabbi – at –

The shooting victim near 54th and Chestnut was riding his bike when the shooting occurred, according to reports. Police are unsure what caused the shooting and so far have no suspects. In another shooting last night, a man was shot twice in the face near 34th and Mount Vernon in the Mantua neighborhood. Police say that he is paralyzed from the neck down.

Mike Lyons


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