
Two gunpoint robberies at 51st and Osage, shots fired near Watusi Lounge Friday night

April 27, 2013

Unfortunately, there was some criminal activity reported in the area last night, including two gunpoint robberies near 51st and Osage and shots fired on 46th street between Walnut and Locust.

The robberies took place around 10 p.m. within a few minutes of each other – the first one was on the 400 block of S. 51st street and the second one on the 500 block of S. 51st Street, according to Joe Murray of the Southwest Detectives. In the second robbery the victim was pistol-whipped.

A reader reported hearing five or six gunshots last night, around 1:20 a.m. near the Watusi Lounge located at the corner of 46th and Walnut, followed by police presence. Police confirmed the incident and said that they apprehended a man with a gun after they were called to the scene. Fortunately, no one was injured in this incident. Police are still investigating the case and we’ll post updates as we get them.


10 Comments For This Post

  1. matt Says:

    Looks like they caught they guy – great work.

    And it was more than 5 or 6 shots- I counted 11, followed by a few more.

  2. Mimi Says:

    I agree, definitely more than 5-6 shots. More like 15…glad nobody was hurt…scary situation.

  3. Tinyplasticmeat Says:

    If the shots were fires at 1:20 why were there so many cops there at midnight? There were at least 6 cop cars in the gas station and in front of Watusi at midnight last night.

  4. Anon Says:

    Because this blog post is based on what “a reader reported,” not what actually happened.

  5. matt Says:

    The shooting happened on Friday night. The police were parked there Saturday night.

  6. Chris Says:

    We live in a ghetto shit-hole.

  7. MaryJane Says:

    When will this piece of sh*t bar get shut down, once and for all? WHO is getting paid off? There are always cops there, so why hasn’t anything changed?

  8. Neighbor Says:

    Who is getting paid off?

    “According to campaign finance records, Karasanyi donated $1,000 to Blackwell last December, shortly after Licenses and Inspections allowed his bar to re-open.”

    This is reference to the Watusi II, but same owner. Note, the article mentions a sheriff’s sale scheduled for last summer. It was postponed several times and ultimately never happened.

    The article below strongly implies that councilpersons routinely postpone sheriff’s sales.

    I’d love to see somebody do an in depth investigation comparing postponed and cancelled sheriff’s sales with campaign donations. The information’s out there, it would just take a skilled, and one would hope decently-compensated, reporter to dig through it and make sense of it. Or the FBI. I imagine it’s a time consuming project either way.

  9. NC Says:

    I wish they would demolish the bar and the westpark apts (projects)

  10. p Says:

    I wish you would move out nc if you don’t like it

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