
The “doomsday” school budget and what you can do to help avoid it

May 7, 2013

School Budget Pie 5x7ish2The School District of Philadelphia is once again in fiscal straits and next year’s budget could see the worst cuts yet. More nurses, security guards, librarians, assistant principals, guidance counselors, aides, music and arts teachers, secretaries and even books and school supplies from every school in the city could go if the city doesn’t make up a $300 million shortfall. It’s already being called the “doomsday budget.”

A principal at a West Philly elementary school told parents recently that the proposed cuts are by far the worst she has seen in her 21 years. Students from city high schools are planning a rally today at the District headquarters. Members of the teachers’ union, which has been asked for concessions to help avoid the cuts, are scheduled to do “informational picketing” at every public school in the city tomorrow.

District officials are requesting $60 million from the city, which City Council members are so far reluctant to provide, and $120 million from the state, which also doesn’t seem too interested.

Home and school association parents from around the city are asking residents to get involved.

If interested, here are some things you can do to help:

• Contact your City Council member and members at large. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, head of the education committee, is available at 215-686-3418/3419 and

Contact your state legislators. The local legislators are likely to be very sympathetic, so another person to talk to is state Rep. Paul Clymer, the Bucks County Republican who heads the House Education Committee. His district office can be reached at 215-257-0279. His e-mail is: Here is his Facebook page.

• Stop by the table at Saturday’s May Fair in Clark Park (43rd & Chester) and sign a local petition.

• Join an existing state campaign for funding by signing the petition here.


Mike Lyons

2 Comments For This Post

  1. anon Says:

    sad state of affairs.

  2. Denise Says:

    …. and if you are on Facebook, look up ImagineASchoolPhilly, which is dedicated to this issue, to get all the info in one place and find out how you can help. We are working to coordinate efforts of thousands of students, parents, and concerned community members about the gutting of school counselors, secretaries, nurses, librarians, assistant principals, music programs, art, sports, and zero funding for books, supplies, …. the list goes on.

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