
Heavy pursuit, two suspects arrested after string of robberies Thursday night (updated)

May 10, 2013

Penn police keep an eye on the car believed to have been used in a string of robberies Thursday night.

Penn Police keep an eye on the Honda Accord Friday morning believed to have been used in a string of robberies Thursday night.

Two suspects were arrested last night after a string of armed robberies that occurred within about two hours beginning at approximately 8:30 p.m. at 45th and Sansom.

Police say that the first robbery happened on the 4500 block of Sansom Street when two men, one armed with a black handgun and knife and the other with a silver handgun, approached two people and demanded their phones and wallets. The two men got away with an iPhone, credit cards and about $50 in cash.

The second robbery happened at 42nd and Locust about 30 minutes later, according to police. A man was approached by two males, one showing a black handgun, and ordered to give up his phone. The victim observed the suspects flee in a late model black Honda Accord. The Daily Pennsylvanian has more details on this robbery.

At about 10 p.m. five Drexel University students were robbed near 32nd and Powelton by two men armed with guns. The suspects fled with five iPhones and some cash. The students also described the getaway car as a black Honda.

The third robbery led to a vehicle pursuit then foot pursuit, a police source said. A police helicopter was also involved in the pursuit. Penn Police arrested the suspects around 11 p.m. near the corner of 44th and Baltimore. Their vehicle was still parked there this morning (see photo). There were a total of eight victims in this string of robberies, according to the police source. The investigation is continuing.

UPDATE (1:49 pm): There were three suspects, two men and a woman, who robbed a total of 11 people last night, CBSPhilly reports. In addition to the robberies mentioned earlier, two people were robbed of their iPhones at 43rd and Regent at 8:45 p.m. and a man was robbed of some cash near 42nd and Ludlow at 9 p.m. Two suspects, a man and a woman, both 25, were arrested. The police are still searching for the third robber.

Mike Lyons

12 Comments For This Post

  1. brendangrad Says:

    Thank you for reporting. I was wondering what was going on last night. Incidentally how do they decide whether or not the UPenn Police or the Philadelphia PD are involved? It seems like the two forces do not work together. I noticed only UPenn Police last night, although the helicopter must have been from the Philly PD. Was just wondering.

  2. Arwin Says:

    FIVE people at once?! What happened to safety in numbers? Geez.

  3. brendangrad Says:

    That all goes out the window when someone starts flashing a gun. Five people probably could overpower them but none of those five would be willing to be the one who got shot in the process.

  4. Arwin Says:

    Oh I don’t question that one person with a gun can intimidate a lot of people at once. I’m just guessing there were plenty of individuals and couples in the area. I’m surprised that the robbers didn’t look for an easier target.

  5. H Says:

    They got greedy – “hey, why not get FIVE iPhones at once?”

    Glad they were caught.

  6. the real 46er Says:

    Any idea about the stealth bomber and escort I saw fly over west Philly this AM? Yes, I’m serious and sober.

  7. Laura Says:

    I totally saw something weird and ran down my hall to get a better look! Everyone thought I was crazy! All I saw was something large and sort of triangular shaped.

  8. Travis Says:

    What a bunch of filthy mugs! Well, good they were caught and taken off the streets and will go BACK TO JAIL where they belong.

  9. Brian on Walnut Says:

    Thank you for reporting, couldn’t find out what had happened on any other news site. Hopefully the police nab the third suspect too.

  10. J Says:

    Not sure if this is related, but…

    Yesterday on May 9th around 10:30am, I was followed off the el at the 46th street station by a young man. He made a fake phone call on the corner and ran up behind me halfway in between Market and Chestnut on Farragut street. It was broad daylight any many people were walking around. My iPhone 5 and wallet was snatched out of my hand, but I fought and managed to get my wallet back. He ran away with my phone. I chased him for 3 blocks and lost him. I reported this to the police. Residents near the 46th st el station, please can be extra cautious, as well as students who take the el there. Do not walk around with your phone or valuables in your hand and be careful going to and from the station.

  11. Leah Says:

    Agreed. Do NOT walk around with phone and valuables in hand! Doing so makes one a target. Don’t walk around messing with your phone either- makes you less aware of your surroundings.

  12. joe smith Says:

    Could we get a description of the suspects or are we to assume the usual – black male , black hoodie ?

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