
More parklets popping up in West Philly

May 15, 2013

manakeesh parklet

Parklet at 45th and Walnut.

Three more parklets, public seating platforms that replace parking spots, are coming to the University City area this week. A new parklet was installed near Manakeesh Cafe on Walnut Street near 45th on Tuesday. Two parklets, with new design developed by Philadelphia’s Shift Space Design, are returning to their last year’s locations today and Thursday – on 44th Street near Spruce, across from Honest Tom’s and Lil’ Pop Shop, and on Locust Street near 40th, across from Ramen Bar and Keswick Cycle.

13 Comments For This Post

  1. Emily Says:

    I heard Little Baby’s is getting one… can anyone confirm or deny this rumor?

  2. Emily Says:

    No longer a rumor — saw them installing it this morning!

  3. p Says:

    This the dumbest idea someone could ever come up with, smh

  4. thos Says:


    what is the smartest idea ‘someone could ever come up with’?

  5. fourblocksaway Says:

    “dumbest” meaning on/near the corner of one of the busiest strips of Walnut St. in the city. The way cars speed by there turns it into Dodge City. Place it across from Saad’s, perhaps…or on 45th and Locust??

  6. Lian Says:

    Agreed. It’s a very busy and loud street. Can we request it to be moved?

  7. matt Says:

    It’s not that bad of an idea. There is a line of parked cars on the east end of the parklet, and a large bike lane separating it on the north end from traffic. So I don’t think one would feel in danger sitting in the chairs. Cars would not be whizzing by at arm’s reach.

    While it is a busy strip of Walnut, I like the idea because it encourages a slower feel to the street. Especially as opposed to things like the highway-overpass style bridge between Center City and West Philly.

  8. Stacey Says:

    As much as I love the parklets I might be nervous sitting here. I witnessed the aftermath of a bad accident on Walnut a few blocks from here earlier this week, when a car mowed down a traffic light at the SW corner @47th at the old West Philly High.

  9. Kelly Says:

    Having not grown up in Philly but in a city that is known for its patios and outdoor spaces, I love the idea of these. I do agree that some are placed in precarious places that may not lend to optimal enjoyment (ie, car exhaust, noise, etc). Can we find out how they, whoever they are, choose the areas in which the parklets are placed and perhaps communicate the choices of the community with them somehow?

  10. Timothy Says:

    Good thing those tables and chairs are bright orange.

  11. J Says:

    I would love a parklet at Cafe Renata. 🙂

  12. LW Says:

    Yes, somewhere between there and Koch’s and Evans Pizza would be good. Lots of people sitting outside there already.

  13. nn99 Says:

    +1 for the parklet program as a whole and for a location in front of Cafe Renata.

    The Walnut St location may benefit from heavy planters or rocks to protect parklet sitters from traffic.

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