
2nd community meeting on 4224 Baltimore Ave project is Tuesday

June 17, 2013

The development team for the 92-unit residential development project at 4224 Baltimore Ave has scheduled a second community meeting for Tuesday, June 18, at International House (37th and Chestnut), in the South American Room (2nd floor), from 6:30-8:00 p.m. The proposed design plan has drawn criticism from the community and the project developers are seeking residents’ input to help work out alternative designs. About 40 residents attended the first community meeting last month where they were broken into groups to discuss such issues as building design, retail spaces, unit types, and parking/transit.

At tomorrow’s meeting, the team will be presenting two or three design schemes for discussion and comment, according to an email message by Barry Grossbach, chair of the Spruce Hill Zoning Committee. “Undoubtedly, what comes out of this meeting will play a major role in shaping any final submission,” the message reads.

We’ll let you know about the third and final community meeting on this project as soon as we obtain more information.

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