
Do you know this cat?

July 17, 2013

Foundcat1 This cat seems to be lost and looking for its owners around 44th/45th and Osage, according to residents who live on that block. A neighbor, Andrew, writes that the cat is “good with humans, seems relatively well fed, and is jumpy in the outside, so my only guess is that this is an indoor cat that has lost his way.”

If you are its owner, please email Andrew at: for more information.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. Mika Says:

    I feel like I saw some missing cat signs hung up around 49th and Florence for a kitty that looks very similar—maybe the same?

  2. lin Says:

    Andrew, I will forward this around to neighborhood groups. I would suggest posting an ad on craigslist (lost & found) and emailing ACCT (Animal control) shelter, in case someone has reported him lost. If he is friendly and willing — food helps– perhaps he will go inside with you while you search for his home. You could have him checked for a microchip ID at PAWS clinic (on Grays Ferry Ave, 10-4). I also suggest making up mini flyers and posting them door-to-door around your block and perhaps another block in each direction and along the streets and at local businesses. Also check for ‘lost’ flyers… Keep us posted.

  3. kathleen Says:

    This cat looks like a young male cat that lives on 46th between Spruce and Pine. If it is him then he is part of a feral community. He is friendly and likes people and the person at the house he lives outside of was encouraging someone to adopt him ( afwe weeks ago). If that is him.

  4. lin Says:

    Kathleen, I believe they are two different cats. Someone posted on UCneighbors about the 46th & Spruce tuxedo, and they do appear to be different. The Osage cat now has a collar and rabies tag (though no ID), and I just talked to someone who says he is fed on the 4500 block of Osage (where there are several cat-friendly folks)… -L

  5. Clare Says:

    Why can’t you folks control your pussies?

  6. lin Says:

    As mentioned above (in response to Kathleen’s comment), kitty seems to also spend time on the 4500 block of Osage. I was told by someone I just met on that block that the kitty is being fed by a resident of the block. 🙂
    I imagine that at some point someone will take him in; he’s too sweet (and fearless!) to spend the rest of his life on the street. -L

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