
More to say about building project near Clark Park? Final meeting Wednesday

July 22, 2013

Baltimore Avenue

Architect Cecil Baker discusses a proposed building plan for 4224 Baltimore Avenue at the previous community meeting on June 18, 2013. (Photo by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local)

The third and final community meeting on the widely publicized and discussed residential development project at 4224 Baltimore Avenue is scheduled for this Wednesday, July 24. Residents are invited to meet with the development team from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the International House (37th and Chestnut, 2nd floor).

Architectural plans based on input from the previous sessions will be unveiled and residents will get a chance to learn about next steps in the development process. A couple of different designs were discussed during the last meeting. The land owners have provisional permission to build a 92-unit residential building on the site, which is across the street from Clark Park. Community input could help shape the project’s final design, which could include underground parking and ground-floor commercial space.

Community members were asked to provide their input on the project website and in a series of public meetings. Wednesday’s meeting is another opportunity to view and comment on the project.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. leonard Says:

    everyone who has reservations about the developer’s desire to build a high-rise (with around 178 or so units) at the site should come to this meeting and voice their discontent in person-otherwise, such a view may “appear” to be in the minority.

  2. Strongforu Says:

    Here, here!

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