
Stolen bikes report (50th and Cedar)

July 22, 2013

West Philly Local reader Alexandra reports that two bikes were stolen from her porch on the 5000 block of Cedar Ave on Friday night (between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.). She wanted to alert West Philly residents about it and hopes they will be on the lookout for the bikes.

“I am hoping that people will bring their fancy bikes inside and not leave them on porches like we did,” she wrote in an email. A police report was filed about these missing bikes – if someone sees them they can call the police, or call Alex directly at 301 502 4820.

Here’s the description of the bikes:

– A handmade mountain bike – metallic orange paint, a little dinged up. Women’s small-medium sized frame. Large black bike seat, new-ish tires. This bike has lots of sentimental value to its owner because her brother made it for her from scratch.

– One year-old KHS 2011 Urban Xcape medium frame women’s bike. Black. There was no bike seat because it had recently been stolen off the bike at another location.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Anna Stern Says:

    …Were they locked?

  2. Bill H. Says:

    Bit of a long shot, but if the bike owners are on Facebook, there’s a group worth joining called Philadelphia Stolen Bikes where people post pictures and trade news about their missing bikes – they send reports about what went missing and what sorts of bikes are turning up for sale in shops and unlikely places. They’ve helped the cops recover some – got on the news recently – it’s a useful group.

  3. nn99 Says:

    Someone tried to steal the bike off my porch (on Larchwood) as well. Fortunately the attempted thief only cut through one of two locks. If you have to leave your bike out overnight, always double-lock it!

  4. aaron Says:

    Link to stolen bikes group:

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