
Family and Education Reunion to include new/transfer student registration (updated)

August 6, 2013


Parents can register public school students for the upcoming school year this Friday, Aug.  9 at the Family and Education Reunion at the School of the Future, 4021 Parkside Ave.

The Reunion runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will include free backpacks, educational workshops, entertainment and food. Registration is required for students who moved to another neighborhood during the summer, those who are new to Philadelphia or transferring from private, parochial and charter schools, and kindergarten students who did not pre-register in the spring.

There are some exceptions to that though. Placement for specialized services, Renaissance Schools, overcrowded kindergarten classrooms or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and arrangements for children who live with an adult other than their parent won’t be available.

Also, it is unclear whether registration for Penn Alexander School, which last year had its own registration date separate from the rest of the District, will be available on Friday. General registration at neighborhood schools is on Aug. 19. UPDATE (8/7/13): We have confirmed that parents who want to enroll their kids in Penn Alexander School will not be able to register them at Friday’s event. For more information about the enrollment at the school please call 215-823-5465.

Parents or guardians will need the following to register:

  • Proof of identification, including current PA driver’s license or photo ID card; a valid municipal, state or federal employment identification or a passport.
  • Proof of residency, including: PA driver’s license; current vehicle registration; lease with name of parent/guardian; recent property tax bill; voter registration ID; recent letter from government agency with parent/legal guardian’s name; recent pay stub, bank statement or credit card bill; change of address notice; deed; mortgage settlement sheet; wage and tax statements.
  • Proof of child’s age, including: birth certificate (original or notarized copy); child’s valid passport; baptismal certificate; prior school records; notarized statement from parent.
  • Immunization document that shows proof of vaccinations for diptheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella, Hepatitis B and varicella (chicken pox). Valid proof includes child’s immunization record, written statement from former school district or medical office that required immunizations were administered; verbal assurances from former school district or medical office that required immunizations were completed with records to follow.

Transfer requests will not be accepted until later in the fall.

The first day of school is Sept. 9.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. strongforu Says:

    God bless all the parents who have to navigate the crazy maze we call public schools in 2013. I’m so glad my kids are almost done with college. Allelu!

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