
Rx The Farmacy’s front door smashed in apparent break-in (updated)

August 27, 2013

UPDATE (8/28): The thief stole the cash register from Rx and the total stolen value is $200, according to police. The investigation continues.

Unfortunately, there was a break-in at another neighborhood restaurant. Someone smashed the front door at Rx The Farmacy at 45th and Spruce, a day after Pho & Cafe Saigon was similarly burglarized two blocks away.

Police were called to Rx restaurant just after 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning and found the glass front door smashed. When we went to the scene this morning, at around 8 a.m., the door was already boarded up (see photo below). It is unknown at this time if anything was taken from the restaurant. Please stay tuned for updates.

RX Farmacy 2

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Regina Says:

    wow. guess someone’s really jonesin’ for a hit.

  2. Stacey Says:

    Uhhhh, welcome to the neighborhood? What a shame.

  3. Beth Says:

    students are back

  4. brendangrad Says:

    The question is are these two incidents related or is it just a coincidence that two restaurants on the same street had their windows busted within 24 hours of each other. I’d like to think that there is just one jerk in the neighborhood as opposed to two jerks.

  5. John Says:

    Sad development. But I’m glad to see they used reclaimed wood to board up the door. Way to live your principles.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Does anyone know what was going on at Honest Tom’s on Monday evening around 6pm? There were cops and people talking to them in front of the restaurant.

  7. Steve Says:

    The cops at Honest Tom’s were likely asking if they get free tacos if they promise to cruise by once a day.

  8. ChefTootie Says:

    I’m the owner of the Farmacy. An empty cash register was taken. The till was empty and the cash was out of the drawer. The thief stole an empty metal box. That drawer was very old and a wonderful paper weight. We are sad. A little. The community has been awesome during this little setback. We are greatful.

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