
Weekend crimes: electronics stolen in home invasion on 44th Street; car break-in near 48th and Baltimore

September 30, 2013

A couple of crime reports from the weekend:

• A man and a woman were victims of a home invasion on the 200 block of South 44th Street on Saturday evening, Sept 28. Four intruders, two men and two women entered an apartment on the first floor after, locked the victims in the bedroom and ransacked the house, stealing electronic items, including a laptop, iPads and cell phones. One of the victims opened the door when the intruders knocked, NBC Philadelphia reports. The suspects fled through the back door and no injuries were reported.

This home invasion is not a random event, according to Joe Murray of Southwest Police Detectives. “Everyone involved is known to each other,” he told West Philly Local. No other details are available at this time, but Murray said that this crime is not related to the recent home invasion on the 200 block of 50th Street, which, police had said, also wasn’t a random act.

• A West Philly Local reader reports that his car parked in the 48th/49th and Baltimore Ave/Warrington Ave area was broken into on Friday night. “It appears to be someone just looking for money or something quick to sell. Fortunately for us we don’t keep anything in the car of value,” the reader wrote in an email. If you live on that block or in vicinity and your car has also been recently broken into, please let us know or post a comment below.

This neighbor also would like to send a reminder to other residents “to lock up and make sure nothing is visible to a would be stealer.”

10 Comments For This Post

  1. anon Says:

    My car was broken into on the Friday night of Labor Day weekend, on the 5300 block of Catharine St. They smashed a window and took my phone charger and the entire ashtray that had about $.75 in it. The following weekend there was another car on our block that had a window broken, and there has been another since then. We haven’t seen this many break ins since we moved in over 9 years ago.

  2. darth vader Says:

    I think we should all get those HD surveillance cameras they sell online. I just installed two, one aimed at my driveway and the other at my front door. I also installed a couple of motion detector lights near each of the cameras. Hopefully, this will be a theft-deterrent.

  3. Anon Says:

    My car was also ransacked on on the 800 blk of Warrington last week.

  4. anon Says:

    49 and Warrington rather.

  5. Brian Says:

    Bike was also stolen from inside my apt building at 45th last night… not meaning to pile on, but ugh what a weekend.

  6. Kel Says:

    I was sitting outside at Dock Street last night when an asshat theif ran off with a woman’s purse that was hanging on her chair. A guy in her party ran after him as well as a man in a van who pursued the theif. Good news is that the purse was recovered and the asshat apprehended. Watch those bags/purses on back of chairs and out in the open that would tempt these crapheads. chock one up for the good guys…

  7. Will Says:

    I’ve lived here 13 years and never had my car or home broken into, so there’s that. Any break in/theft is terrible, but it’s not epidemic.

  8. Childish Callow Gleam Says:

    oh no will! you just jinxed yourself!

  9. Anon Says:

    Car was broken into on 48th/Osage. They only took items (change, cell charger, and 3 cds) that was hidden in the middle console. Nothing was visible to them. The disturbing thing is that they left their syringe on the back seat… still in the wrapper. – Flagged down a passing patrol who took the report and disposed of the syringe.

  10. anon Says:

    My car was broken into on 48th/walton ave a couple months ago. All they took was 4 year old GPS and a entertainment coupon book. A couple days after another car had their window smashed in also on 48th/walton.

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