
Fiery car crash at 51st and Cedar; one person injured (updated)

October 1, 2013


UPDATE (10/1/2013): Three vehicles were involved in Monday night’s car crash, one person was injured and one person was charged with DUI and aggravated assault, according to police.

Police said that 2013 Nissan Altima, which was rented from Avis, was travelling westbound on Cedar Avenue when it struck a Kia, which was travelling south on 51st Street and turning east onto Cedar Avenue. The Nissan driver, a 25-year-old male, then struck a third, parked car, got out of his car and fled the scene on foot. The Kia, operated by a 25-year-old female, reportedly crashed into the Cibao Super Market on the 5100 block of Cedar Ave and caught fire. The fire was extinguished by firefighters and the woman was taken to HUP and treated for non-life threatening injuries.

The Nissan driver returned to the scene and was arrested for DUI, police said. A passenger in Nissan, a 21-year-old female, was uninjured.

The Cibao Super Market was open this morning, according to neighbor reports. “One of their awnings burned, but it doesn’t look like there was any significant damage to the building,” according to West Philly Local reader Matt Mongiello.

(9/30/2013, 11:56 p.m.): A car reportedly crashed into the Cibao Super Market at 51st and Cedar tonight, around 10:20 p.m. and caught fire. At least one person was injured, according to a report by West Philly Local reader Randi Fair who was at the scene shortly after the accident happened. Randi reports that she heard a loud crash and some screams and then saw a car half buried in the Cibao Super Market. She writes that some residents pulled a person from the car, who was lying on the ground, speaking. A fire broke out but was contained.




Photos by Randi Fair.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Nati Says:

    I live on the block and went out after I heard the crash. According to other people on the scene, 2 guys were speeding down Cedar Ave for a few blocks, blowing through stop signs, and they hit another car at 51st and Cedar. According to the witnesses, the two guys got out of their car and took off before anyone could stop them or identify them. Also, the car that caught on fire was next to the market, but it didn’t actually go into the market.

  2. Anon Says:

    Saw someone flying down cedar doing fifty at least not even touching their brake lights at the intersection. From what I’ve heard there weren’t any fatalities. This is a serious accident and my heart goes out to the victim. Thank goodness it wasn’t a pedestrian or bicyclist whom was hit for they would have been obliterated.

    The reckless driving in our neighborhood is a problem which demands a a major response including physical obstacles and streetscaping to make this type of speed unattainable and to protect those who use the streets without the protection of a reinforced steel cage.

  3. darth vader Says:

    “The reckless driving in our neighborhood is a problem which demands a a major response including physical obstacles and streetscaping to make this type of speed unattainable and to protect those who use the streets without the protection of a reinforced steel cage. ” Here! Here!

  4. lf Says:

    Crazy. Someone crashed another rental car into parked cars on 46xx Springfield ~4:30am Sunday. They flipped their ride and ran away!

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