
Busy day at Clark Park: Petanque Tournament, Tune Up Philly, Farmers’ Market and some loopy chairs

October 5, 2013

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Looped In, three social seating structures, popped up in Clark Park’s northern section earlier this week and will stay for a few weeks.

Clark Park was buzzing today, with several events taking place at the same time. Philly’s first Pétanque tournament was held in the circle of the northern section of the park. The tournament participants were trying to concentrate on their shots while the sounds from a kids’ concert, organized by the acclaimed Tune Up Philly afterschool program, and from Clark Park’s Farmers’ Market filled the air. The pétanque players also tried to avoid hitting new seating structures, called Looped In, which were installed in the circle a couple of days ago. Check out more photos below.

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Local kids enrolled in the “Tune Up Philly” afterschool program performed on Saturday in Clark Park.

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You can use the Looped In seating any way you like.


The 1st Philadelphia Petanque Tournament was held in Clark Park today, in the same circle where the Looped In structures were installed. The French game of boules is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide.


The Clark Park Farmer’s Market is every Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Gabriel Farrell Says:

    Neat seats! And what a great day in the neighborhood.

  2. Elaine Jenson Says:

    and you missed the 22nd Annual Bark in the Park sponsored by Friends of Clark Park!

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