
Brazen mid-morning sexual assault and robbery near 50th and Hazel (updated)

October 15, 2013

Editor’s Note: Police have said that they have received many useful tips on this case (see the update below). This is not an easy case for us to report for a couple of reasons. First, it’s a sexual assault and that requires the utmost sensitivity to cultivate a constructive conversation that does not blame the victim. Second, the perpetrator is still at large and many neighbors are trying to help find him, which is important in a functional and vital community. But we also must be sensitive to jumping to conclusions about our neighbors who are thin, young African American males. If we’re not, we risk that functional and vital community that everyone wants.

UPDATE (10/16/13, 9:00 a.m.): Police are still searching for the suspect. “The public is really stepping up and sending us tips, videos and names. Helping a lot,” Detective Joe Murray told West Philly Local.

A woman was sexually assaulted and robbed at gunpoint at 11:45 a.m. on Monday near 50th and Hazel. The 29-year-old was the latest victim in a string of as many as a half-dozen gunpoint robberies in that area in the last two weeks.

The victim told West Philly Local that she was approached by an African American male, 18-22 years old, wearing a red t-shirt. According to police, she was robbed of cash and then taken to a nearby alley and sexually assaulted.

“(I) didn’t even think at 11:45 in the morning on Hazel that this would happen,” the victim said.

Police confirmed the uptick in armed robberies in the vicinity in recent days. The victim said her friend was approached last night by a man fitting the same description only wearing a red hooded sweatshirt with white drawstrings near 50th and Pentridge. The man said he was from Detroit and asked for directions. The person immediately called police and the man fled. Two other robberies were reported last night and the general description of the perpetrator is similar.

Detective Joe Murray said the descriptions are similar, but couldn’t confirm that the robber was the same person that attacked the woman on Monday morning. Police are investigating the case and we’ll post an update when we have more information.

Here’s a more detailed description of the perpetrator provided by the victim:

African American male, aged 18-22, 5’8, very skinny, no facial hair, short haircut, no distinguishable scars/tattoos, was wearing a red t-shirt.

59 Comments For This Post

  1. Jason Thompson Says:

    This sort of thing wouldn’t happen if the local university had a department of public safety services.

    You know, maybe uniformed guards on bikes who could… I don’t know… What do could they do again? Besides ride their bikes against traffic on the sidewalk and loiter in groups for texting parties I mean.

    Maybe whistles? Can we give these guys whistles? Or maybe balloons to release when there’s a crime being committed in front of them?

  2. Zoe Says:

    UCD district patrol only goes to 50th st. I live on the 5000 block of Osage and I often see them bike up to the beginning of our block and then turn around… feh.

  3. Jason Thompson Says:

    that’s a shame. i bet if they found a safely well lit parking lot up in that section, you too could find them uselessly congregating over in your area as well.

  4. re Says:

    The UCD guys are not police. From the UCD website, this is what they do:

    “Uniformed in green and yellow, Public Safety
    Ambassadors’ services include walking escorts, vehicular services, homeless outreach as well as tracking public hazards such as potholes, problem street signs, and blocked sewers.”

    I’m sure they would call 911 if they see a crime being committed, or if a witness asked them to.

  5. Jason Thompson Says:

    “Oh hey, I’m being raped, could you bike over here and call 911 for me?”

  6. joe smith Says:

    So why are you waiting fo the rent a cops to save your ass? try having some situational awareness, take off the iPod and stop playing Candy crush as you walk down the street.

  7. idiotswhocanwrite Says:

    That’s it, blame the victim, asshole.

  8. brendancalling Says:

    Not everyone is as tough and resourceful as Joe Smith. I heard he singlehandedly stopped hundreds of crimes here in West Philly. Just look in the sky for the Joe Smith signal, or keep an eye out for the joesmithmobile, and you’ll now a hero for our time is on the way.

  9. joe smith Says:

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. The police can’t save me 24/7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. joe smith Says:

    You’re a fool, no one is blaming the victim, rather just pointing out the whinyness of the original post. OOOOh the police will come and save me. You Penn babies really are your own worst enemies..

  11. Kate Says:

    It’s easier to blame the victim than recognize that you too could be a victim of crime. But there’s no indication whatsoever that the victim was not aware of their surroundings. A person can sexually assault someone not wearing an iPod and on their phone nearly as easy as someone who is.

  12. joe smith Says:

    I’m saying that situational awareness is critical. Rapists gonna rape. Would behoove you not to make their desire any easier, dumbass.

  13. joe smith Says:

    Why would you make it any easier for them? It’s called situational awareness, maybe you don’t need this in whatever small town you come from but this is Philly. Wake up. Stay alive.

  14. nb8 Says:

    Agreed, UPenn police and UCD security seriously need to step up their game.

  15. ellen Says:

    UCD def. needs to step up their game. On Oct 18, after the perp was well known to all of us watching blogs, FB etc., I asked for a walking escort at 45 and Balt. at 8pm. After some reluctance to leave his pals (!) a UCD employee walked me the three blocks home. I said I usually wasn’t nervous, but there was a creep on the loose. He hadn’t heard of it!!! What????

  16. Kelly Says:

    Anyway to get a better description on here for us that live in the area?

  17. brendancalling Says:

    From Facebook, on a thread discussing this assault: “I saw a tall light-skinned African American male with short hair and nice, plain clothes that matches this description a few weeks ago. He was masturbating in public. I think he might have been taller, though. Another woman also spotted him in the same general area doing the same thing and said that he ran toward 50th. I wonder if there could be a connection, considering it was a sexual assault.”

  18. Fich Says:

    I saw this kid last night around 1:30 at 50th and Pentridge. I was walking with two other guys to go take a look at the house that collapsed and the kid in the red hoodie was hanging in a nook on the 50th side of the Dock Street building. He tailed us until we got to 50th and Pentridge, and since a bunch of workmen were there, he just asked us for directions to 50th and Chester, saying he was from Detroit and he was lost. I asked what part of Detroit, saying I had some friends there and he wouldn’t say. I also mentioned some relatively well known local rappers I know and he didn’t recognize their names, so, most likely not from Detroit. Those PECO workers probably saw the kid a half dozen times last night if he was at 50th and Pentridge. I would also not be so sure this was the same guy as the morning assault, largely because he was probably up quite late and the assault was in the AM.

  19. Chris Says:

    If this guy has been out there getting complaints for public masterbating and armed robbery, then why is this the first time we are hearing about it on here. This uptick should have been on wpl and our other news outlet from the get go, maybe he could of been apprehended by now. Before this poor girl a block from where wife could have been leaving for work was assaulted. I feel so sorry for the victim and would like to know if she needs any help. Let’s get informed here so we can catch this creep

  20. helix Says:

    UPenn Alert: Robbery with weapon at 41ST & LUDLOW, police on scene, use caution, avoid

  21. Maddi Says:

    My cousin reported to the police a man who matched this description who followed her masturbating one day. I can’t remember the location (I believe it was very close to here) but I can’t believe he’s had so many run ins with SO many locals and he hasn’t been caught. Very sad that his lewd behavior has escalated to violence. My only advice to to anyone is to keep an eye out for a man who looks like this and notify 9/11 immediately, he is clearly disturbed and dangerous; as a community, we CAN bring him to justice.

  22. Arwin Says:

    At what point do police actually start telling people about these things? I live at 50th and Hazel and haven’t heard about any of this.

  23. StephanieRicci Says:

    Me too. This is news to me 2 days later and I live in between 50th-51st and Hazel. I’m now a bit afraid to come home today and godforbid have something happen right in front of my own house.

  24. Jul Says:

    details from the UPenn alert:

    2:35pm: Robbery with weapon at 41st and Ludlow, police responding, use caution, avoid area.

    Description of the two suspects: a tall light-complected black male
    wearing a brown and orange hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans; a
    dark-complected male wearing a black North Face jacket, believed to be
    in his mid-thirties.

  25. Jessica Says:

    About 3 weeks ago, a young man fitting this description was walking toward me, publicly masturbating around 11 am on Baltimore Ave near 48th st. I see someone else commented something very similar to this right here on this page. I called the police immediately. He was wearing a black Rolling Stones t-shirt. I gave a very good description and exactly where he fled once I asked him “What the **** are you doing?!” This is very scary. I am afraid to leave my house to run errands. I was very shook up by this and I cannot believe that he has gotten away with this more than once…

  26. Colleen Says:

    The comment mentioned by brendancalling below was actually a comment I made on facebook. I am pretty sure I saw the same masturbator that you did. He seemed much taller than 5’8″, though, to me. It was kind of a blur, but I think he was at least 5’10”. I unfortunately did not call the police at the time because I was just startled and confused. Your description matched mine, and that’s what I was referring to in the comment when I said that another woman experienced something similar. I would like to hear more details about the appearance of this new perp who has also been robbing and sexually assaulting people. I wonder if it could be the same guy.

  27. joe smith Says:

    And that’s why we both have carry permits.

    Shoot the piece of shit.

  28. joe smith Says:

    A down vote? LOL. Fool.

  29. William Says:

    I wonder if this could be related the police SWAT team that was looking for someone on 51st and Pentridge/Willows on October 1. The guy had supposedly committed several robberies in the neighborhood.

  30. rayfay Says:

    oh my god. Sunday a friend was driving me home and as we drove past 51st and Hazel, we saw two young black men beating the shit out of another young black man that fits this description. Tall, young, thin, no facial hair, red hoodie with white drawstrings. I was just about to dial 911 when they all ran away…so I didn’t. I couldn’t really ID anyone.

  31. 46st Says:


  32. Jeff Says:

    I watched this guy rob somebody by gunpoint right in front of Barkan Park on 50th & Spruce 3 Mondays ago. Myself and the person who got mugged reported this to a police officer who showed up to the scene after we called. The very next week I took the same route and was followed 3 blocks by the very same person and made a run for it and called the cops giving his description. the person who got mugged said the same story about the guy asking for directions and was from Detroit. He hunts this area and cops have done nothing and now someone got sexually assaulted. This sickens me.

  33. Chris Says:

    I feel the same way.

  34. Lexluthor Says:

    I locked eyes with the man before he approached the people at 50th and Pentridge last night . Here is a painting from memory. He walked quickly with his shoulders forward, never breaking eye contact. He’s about 5’8″ maybe a bit taller, slim. He wore a stern facial expression. Be careful, be on the look out, read your surroundings, never walk alone.

  35. Nina Says:

    I wonder if the cameras in the area caught anything. I am a tenant at the CedarWorks and never thought I would have to fear coming and leaving at night, but now I should be a little more alert.

  36. Lexluthor Says:


  37. GainesvilleStudent Says:

    I feel sick to my stomach. This is a fucking tragedy and I hope this evil person is brought to justice. No woman should have to live in fear of being violently assaulted and degraded like this.

    This painting also makes me sick because your sketch of the guy looks exactly like me. Frighteningly so. I’m wearing a hoodie that color right now.

  38. Lexluthor Says:

    I’m sorry if this looks like you. It’s about the eyes and the way his body slouches, he walked quickly never breaking eye contact. It’s his stature, the way he carries homself and his facial expression that will give him away, I want people to look out for that. Not just a red hoodie. Silly.

  39. Guerrst Says:

    I think this this is extremely helpful. Don’t walk around like a creep gainesvillestudent, and people won’t feel threatened or uncomfortable by your presence. You can sense when someone is mentally not right…

  40. Isis007 Says:

    Wow, that is creepy… and helpful

  41. Chris Says:

    Is all of this info from the blog getting to the authorities? Some one must have an image of this guy to post on tv from a camera.

    Just saw this too. Connected?

  42. post Says:

    this kid more than likely lives within a 5-10 block radius. and probably chooses this area cause he knows it well. as unfortunate as it is, there are ALOT of robberies and assaults all over philly. not connected.

  43. Jessica Says:

    That video was really scary, however.. from my experience I highly doubt this was connected. Hard to see the person from the video, but the police sketch does not look like the person I saw.

  44. Post Says:

    i would be surprised if the masterbater and the robber were the same person. but you never know i guess.
    side note: this kid was kind of normal looking and spoke kind of soft and normal. kind of polite. the way he stands and walks is whats weird. he totally gives it away.

  45. Post Says:

    Maybe everyone who is commenting on this story or has a personal experience with this individual, and their friends should flood the police department with call-ins over this…

  46. pushed out of west philly Says:

    Thank goodness you all now know to be afraid of every skinny, hoodie wearing black kid in West Philly. Whew. That was a close call… get ’em out…

  47. Chris Says:

    Thank goodness you posted on here. We needed some negativity. This was a long interactive thread with members of our community providing information on a serious crime where a woman was assaulted. This is no joking matter. It’s not a racial thing, it’s a creep thing. Some guy has been creeping around on people and he obviously has a psychiatric problem that is dangerous. Sorry YOU only see in race. Maybe if it was a white guy you would feel better, I wouldn’t.

  48. concrete things Says:

    Think hard about the content reported in these two sentences. Here is a paraphrase: The victim’s friend said she was also approached by a black man between the ages of 18 and 22, in the same neighborhood on a different night. He asked her for directions. She immediately called the police.

    Does that seem like a relevant event to you? How about this one: Today, at 50th and Baltimore, a 42-year-old woman asked me for directions. I immediately called police and she fled. (Because she assumed I was a sociopath. Only, she wouldn’t have fled, because the police wouldn’t have been as likely to show up and shoot her and ask questions about it later, if ever.)

    I’m just asking you to think about the actual content reported in those two sentences.

  49. joe smith Says:

    I blame George W. Bush and you’re a racist !

  50. 46st Says:

    If you feel as though your life is threating, then move out. Why move somewhere where you think every ”skinny, hoodie, wearing black kid in west Philly is scary” when west Philly is prodomietly Black Americans. Go back to whatever small town you came from and be happy

  51. Love it or leave it. Says:

    it is very ignorant to suggest that people upset with crime in their neighborhood, arent from that neighborhood or arent from philly or arent black. Your statement reminds me of that ridiculous saying AMERICA:LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.

  52. Jen Says:

    Perhaps this is a good place to voice all of our concerns and share information:

    Police / Community Meeting

    Thursday, October 17 – 6 pm – Calvary Center at 48th &
    Baltimore Ave. – Community meeting with Lt. Brian McBride/Sgt. Ron Washington
    of the University City Division of the Phila. 18th Police District. Bring your
    concerns and discuss crime and neighborhood issues. Please share this message
    with friends and neighbors.

  53. Mike Lyons Says:

    This “editor’s note” was added to the top of the story this morning:

    Editor’s Note: Police have said that they have received many useful tips on this case (see the update below). This is not an easy case for us to report for a couple of reasons. First, it’s a sexual assault and that requires the utmost sensitivity to cultivate a constructive conversation that does not blame the victim. Second, the perpetrator is still at large and many neighbors are trying to help find him, which is important in a functional and vital community. But we also must be sensitive to jumping to conclusions about our neighbors who are thin, young African American males. If we’re not, we risk that functional and vital community that everyone wants.

  54. Trent Moller Says:

    Yesterday a.m. three people were approached by a single gunman at 51st and Spruce. No injuries, Suspect detained by police. No further details.

  55. Andy L. Says:

    Please be careful out there. Anyone in University City can also request a UCD walking escort day or night at 215-898-WALK (9255) — a handy number to have in your phone. They’re usually pretty quick and will walk with you wherever you need to go.

  56. Andy L. Says:

    Not sure why this got a down vote, but if it’s because they’re not police, then also call the police as often as appropriate. If you notice UCD safety ambassadors goofing around, please call 215-898-WALK (9255) and report it (I have) so that behavior can be corrected. If you’d like to see them go past 50th street or other good recommendations, please get those ideas to the UCD board, anything is possible to change going forward and every neighborhood association has a community representative on the board of UCD, so tell the person representing your neighborhood and they can advocate for the neighborhood. Here’s the UCD board list:

    I’ve tried to make a habit of calling the UCD escorts this year after every Spruce Hill meeting since we had several gun point robberies of our neighbors. The walking escorts won’t prevent every crime, but I do believe they’re a deterrent.

  57. Says:

    Just a reminder that this thread is moderated and all inappropriate comments will be deleted. Thanks.

  58. 46st Says:


  59. hazel Says:

    about 3 weeks ago i was approached while leaving my home on 50th and hazel at 2pm by a man who fits the previously mentioned description. he had his erect penis out. he then walked around the corner, hid behind a tree and reemerged as i got into my car and began masturbating next to my passenger window. i called 911 and gave a detailed description of a young (i thought between the ages of 18-21) African american male, no facial hair, tall, wearing a red hoodie and black sweat pants. the neighborhood was quiet but as i drove north on 50th school kids were coming home.

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