
What retail do you want (or not want) in Spruce Hill? SHCA seeks community input

October 16, 2013

online-surveysThe Spruce Hill Community Association’s (SHCA) Business Association Committee was formed earlier this year to work on several things in support of SHCA’s efforts to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. These efforts include figuring out what the neighborhood wants and doesn’t want in terms of storefronts. To get a better idea of your interests and opinions, the committee is conducting a survey of retail preferences in the neighborhood and inviting community members to participate. Later this month, SHCA will be distributing a newsletter to every resident in the neighborhood that will include an invitation to participate in the survey, according to Lee Huang, the committee chair.

The 10-question survey is now available online. Residents can also email to request a copy of the survey.

Some of the survey questions include: What kind of retail would you like or not like to see in the neighborhood? What is your favorite business? What retail locations need the most improvement? For more information about Spruce Hill, including its borders, visit:

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Andy L. Says:

    Hundreds of responses to the survey so far; keep them coming! One tiny edit to the email address … it should be (with a period instead of a dash)

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